
Lindner will be ansetzen at Bürgergeld Rotstift

Lindner will be ansetzen at Bürgergeld Rotstift

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  2. Politics

Lindner will be ansetzen at Bürgergeld Rotstift
FDP chief and Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner sees Einsparmöglichkeiten for citizen money. © Soeren Stache/dpa

The state has exceeded the cost of citizens’ money. Here, Finance Minister Lindner will enter into battle with the Ukrainian Kriegsflüchtlingen.

Berlin – Bürgergeld workers and employees sollen nach a new Vorstoß of FDP chief Christian Lindner can pause his Wohnkosten and no longer pay any costs. “Then the Leistungsempfänger can be separated, because a smaller home is seen and how they are built,” said the Federal Finance Minister of the “Wirtschaftswoche”. “I am happy, that is why we could save millions of euros here.”

Derzeit übernehmen die Kommunen in bestimmten Grenzen de Kosten voor Kaltmiete und Heizung zowie de Betriebkosten van Bürgergeld-Beziehenden en ihren Familien; don’t do it anymore in the Bund.

It stands at 2.7 Millionen Familien Unterkunft

Of the 2.94 Million Bedarfsgemeinschaften, also in the rule sister living families, there were 2.73 Millions Costs of Unterkunft anerkannt – Kostenpunkt: 1.77 Billiarden Euro. This amounts to a malicious cost of 43 million euros.

Pro Bedarfsgemeinschaft was charged in Schnitt 649.96 Euro, pro Quadratmeter in Schnitt 11.82 Euro, pro Person einer Bedarfsgemeinschaft 362.69 Euro. The statistics are low and the extra costs for betting and heizing. For 2.68 million residential communities, an average price of 46,000 is paid for a home. The Durchschnittswohnfläche der Familien is 62 Quadratmetern. Pro Person is a Schnitt 35 Quadratmeter.

Was übernimmt der Staat?

The state of citizen funds may take several years for negotiation and maintenance, but it is a bad thing. If cable repair or cable repair equipment is used easily and is used for kitchen furniture, it is true that they are unreliable in terms of processing. Additional costs, such as activities for a parking space, were not taken into account. The right of self-determination of your home is adjusted to your debts or to the Grundsteuern requirements.

Who is a representative of the Bundesagency für Arbeit (BA) in Nuremberg, is the BA responsible for Kreise and Städte für Bürgergeld-Leistungen, at Unterkunft and Heizung de Communes. If you arrange it, it is local information. The Jobcenter has done that. Die Mieten unterscheiden sich innerhalb Deutschlands erheblich.

Lindner will spare Ukraine

Einsparmöglichkeiten see Lindner on the Leistungen for Flüchtlinge from Ukraine. “We will take steps to ensure that the Ukrainian refugees have their own legal status,” read more. The only Leistungen für Asylbewerber with labor market political instruments combine, which for Bürgergeld-Empfänger thought since.

“Ukrainian roads through the Kriegs in his homeland are not a matter of refugee traffic,” wrote Lindner. “If you see one of the others, there is no question of a citizen’s money, which is a subsistence minimum with a social welfare, which is an ausgericht strategy.”

Ukrainern wird Asylverfahren erspart

Tatsächlich erhalten Ukrainian Kriegsflüchtlinge grundsätzlich EU-weit Schutz under the “Massenzustrom-Richtlinie”, wie der Mediendienst Integration erläutert. The EU Directive will be active in March 2022. Bis März 2026 is, Stand heute, longing. “Der Vorteil der Europaweiten Regelung: Kriegsflüchtlinge aus der Ukraine (…) automatically obtain an Aufenthaltsstatus”, i.e. the Mediendienst.

Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine erhalten in Deutschland Bürgergeld. Alleinstehende zum Beispiel 563 Euro pro Monat. The 2025 Rules Sollen are based on a zero round. Hinzu kommen Hilfen für Miete und Heizung aswie Krankenversorgung. The concrete ministry of the Labor Ministry is safe for the subsistence level in Germany.

Rund a half million erwerbsfähige Ukrainian

Asylum seekers and asylum seekers, if the asylum seeker is not eligible, it is assumed: 460 Euro per month after asylum seeker leistungsgesetz. Assessment by the Job Center no longer occurs.

In May 2024, the Federal Employment Agency reported 529,000 Ukrainians and Ukrainians as “employed” to the Job Centers – and entitled to citizen money. We are not in Jobcenter-Maßnahmen, Integrationskursen or in kurzfristiger Arbeitsunfähigkeit, zum Beispiel Alleinerziehende with Kindern ohne Kitaplatz. Two Drittel davon sind Frauen.

4,000 labor-less Ukrainian workers

If you do not receive citizen money, you can attend a job, states der Mediendienst fest. It was more like a Drittel der erwerbsfähigen Ukrainian and Ukrainian habe im May 2024 for the Arbeitsmarkt zur Verfügung (37 Prozent) gestanden – etwa 4,000 weniger as nor in April.

Insgesamt ist die Zahl der Ausländerinnen und Ausländer mit Bürgergeld in de vergangen Jahren deutlich auf Zuletzt 2,7 Millionen gestiegen – das rund 48 Prozent aller Empfänger. Hauptgrund voor de Anstieg is de Flüchtlingsbewegung nach Russlands Einmarsch in der Ukraine.

Zuletzt said that BSW-Gründerin Sahra Wagenknecht was guilty of this, and the German Social State was being deceived. The Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund Wertet (DGB) started as an Erfolg, that more Ukrainian and Ukrainian jobs were provided.

Experts investigate “negligent strategy”

Since Russia’s Überfall in Ukraine 2022 has helped 1.2 million people from living in Deutschland to Schutz. For the Ukrainians and Ukrainians, the former Bürgergeld-Beziehenden and the Bevölkerungsgruppe are insgesamt bij derzeit knapp 65 Prozent – in Vergleich zu others Nationalitäten ein hoher Wert. Experts from the Institutes for the Labor Market and Berufsforschung (IAB) opt for the ‘nachhaltige strategy’, the person with the German language and qualifications who is brought into the Labor Market as quickly as possible.

Beim Bürgergeld can represent the Jobcenter labor market political interests, calling on the IAB Research Leader Enzo Weber. The IAB has taken a year to double the Ukrainian and Ukrainian labor market in the jobs created in the future. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has offended Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) by starting the “Job Engine” for Flüchtlinge in Germany with a total amount of 266,000 Flüchtlinge from Ukraine with a job in Germany.

Insgesamt consider the running of a funtel of etwa four Millionen workfähigen Bürgergeld-Beziehenden a ownes Arbeitseinkommen. If so, it is a matter of Staatshilfe in stock. dpa