
Aachen: Start-up erfindet kompostierbare Unterkunft

Aachen: Start-up erfindet kompostierbare Unterkunft

Living in compostable bars Holz-Iglus? That will make a whole new world possible.

Willowprint is the young Aachen architects’ start-up, which is based on the 3D printing of compostable materials from their construction. One saw a small Iglus from Holz. Aber: Can man Holz even work with a 3D printer?

Emilia Grüne, Wisdombeiterin des Unternehmens, said: “Yes, that’s right.” If you do this, it will not be detailed, if the Ganze company is not active, nor during the patent notification. So it can happen that you say something: it is the trade with the druckermasse with a holzpaste, which another comes out the best solution. This mass was released in a 3D printer, the eigentlich for Ton en Keramiek thought so.

If you want the mass to come out of the welds, Grüne aktuell ihre Masterarbeit. Bisher has restored smaller images with the 3D printer and holzpaste everything. It’s different. The design consists of a large robot arm with a length of 2.50 meters. If the Häuser, the Willow print can be printed properly, a Durchmesser of its funf Metern and a Höhe of etwa three Metern can be erreichen. If Frühjahr likes it so much, it may happen first that Häuser is printed.

Häuser, the full-fledged composter bar is very large. In this case, the Wochennte das Material can be complete. If you have an idea of ​​your work, the material is a new idea. A house that is not for all seasons.

The idea behind the start-up is that research in architecture starts at the cutting edge and material with the company’s technology. “Concrete and Glass are by no means everything, that’s for sure”, very silly. Would you like to make one of the holzprint assignments that are woolen yourself? Grüne zögert: “It’s coming soon,” says that. Darauf, everything is so functional, who cares? And who the Endergebnis is.