
Einschränkung des Abtreibungsrechts hat Säuglingssterblichkeit erhöht

Einschränkung des Abtreibungsrechts hat Säuglingssterblichkeit erhöht

Gesetz in the USA

Robert Klatt

In the US, land rights have ended with the demolition of the land. The säuglingssterblichkeit has a grim appearance.

Columbus (USA). The Oberster Gerichtshof of the United States had a land right to the Abtreibung for 18 months. An Ohio State University (OSU) analysis by Fall Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health now said that absenteeism has reached the German value (+7%). In addition to the strong war that sterblichkeit bei Newborns with chromosomal and genetic anomalies (+ 10 %).

“In the four months of Roe v. Wade’s upbringing, a birth is 7% and a sister is 10% among babies, those with born and abnormal born.”

The publication of the publication Jama Pediatrics was published in the period from 2018 to 2023 in the middle of 5.6 Todesfällen pro 1,000 Lebendgeburten. Structure of anomalies Anomalien kam es in diesem Zeitraum zu 1.3 Todesfällen per 1,000 Lebendgeburten. After the end of the landsweiten-right on the Abtreibung gab es in the USA monatlich 247 more Säuglingstode, von denen 204 (82.59 %) by chromosomal and liquid Erkrankungen entstanden.

“I don’t think man has done justice to any of the negative aspects of Dobbs. There is no war, but a man thinks like that. If you receive a donation from the Health Services, an expansion of general health care can take place if it no longer exists.”

Keine Daten zu einzelnen Bundesstaaten

The study is very simple in the research of the United States and the more fun data of some federal states. Laut de Wissenschaftlern ist jedoch wahrscheinlich, dass die Säuglingssterblichkeit in Staaten, and with strengthening the Abtreibungsgesetzen I am most proud and am of high standing.

„Geburtsergebnisse in der Regel in jeder Bevölkerung relatively stable, and in a larger population that is the American population, the most normal standard of living, absent from a forebrainable saisonalen Schwankungen. These sister-to-deaths concern all babies, who will become more healthy in the first part of the 2022 years.”

In another study, the white businessmen may be concerned about the separation of the higher administrative courts from the state institutions with an opaque corporate group, which can take care of all the people with poor health care services. If you make plans, the operations on the Müttersterblichkeit genauer zu trachttest.

“There is a larger human burden that is being investigated, a large part of the total population, that is a rejected abort or one of the many consequences of a fetus with more genetic anomaly ergeben.”

Jama Pediatrics, doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.4276