
Autozulieferer entlassen fell Mitarbeiter, Deutschland was hit

Autozulieferer entlassen fell Mitarbeiter, Deutschland was hit

The Walker of the Automotive Industry with E-Mobility is more than welcome, so the repairer is less likely to be employed by workers. Dazu goes into the aftermath of Wochen and Monaten some Verlautbarungen.

But der Wandel geht more: The European Branchenverband Clepa warns of a permanent Stellenabbau at Autozulieferern. The latest analysis of the economic week has resulted in the loss of 86,000 jobs in the industry since September 2020. A new study into a new Arbeitsplätze by E-Mobilität is very useful as a Nettooverlust of 56,000 Couples. “That is the worst time of the pandemic”, so a Clepa-Sprecher for “Wirtschaftswoche”.

Deutsche Zulieferer wie Bosch, ZF und Schaeffler planen Entlassungen

Brose, Bosch, ZF and Schaeffler are affiliated with the German Unternehmen, the Stellen. ZF factory, four of 54,000 working places zu streichen.

German companies in the European industry have been strongly affected, this is stated in the message. The following data is displayed here: 59 Prozent der Verfallen Stellen verzeichnet.

In the history of Monaten, these Zulieferer planted couples are reported, among other things:

  • Bosch purchased from October the working hours for the cattle 2300 Beschäftigte, especially affected is the Hauptsitz in Abstatt. Insgesamt stehen bei Bosch beef 7500 Arbeitsplätze auf der Kippe, quickly half of the commitment of the Kernsparte Automobiltechnik.
  • Magna hat gekündigt, signal Werk in Neumarkt (Upper Palatinate) until Ende 2026 schrittweise zu schließen – 110 Mitarbeiter since affected
  • Casting hat in hessischen Frankenberg seine 140 Mitarbeiter zum End Oktober kundigt
  • Car seat repairer Recaro reported in August Insolvenz an, 215 Mitarbeiter stehen vor dem Aus
  • The German Zulieferer ZF could reach up to 18,000 working places by 2030

Laut dem VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie) was in the year 2023 in the German Automobilindustry with a value of 780,000 persons. 2018 seien es noch rund 52,900 Beschäftigte more gewesen.

Knorr-Bremse profit maker from Doppelstrategy: System for Automobiles and Vehicles

Report the health of the Zulieferer Knorr-Bremse in August halfway positive Zahlen. Marktbeobachter works with the double strategy of Knorr-Bremse: Der Konzern can offer the switching Umsätze bei Lkw, Bussen, Anhängern and Landmaschinen with increasing Umsätzen at Bremssystemen for Schienenfahrzeuge.