
Monster-Tornado sorts for spectacle photos ::

Monster-Tornado sorts for spectacle photos ::

A Tornado-ähnlicher Staubsturm, begleitet von Blitzen, fegte over the region.

Tornado from Staub and Blitzen in the Emirates

The new Wettereigne is in the Middle East, like a street in the Nähe von Sharjah, a city in the North of the United Arab Emirate, a more powerful Wirbel from Staub and Blitzen-bildete. Car drivers, who were willing to travel further afield, stopped using their vehicles to watch the spectacle. Take care of your hands, videos and photos of the original objects:

Sharjah is one of the cities of the United Arab Emirate and is located 20 kilometers north of Dubai. The geographical location is low because the emirate can use its heißen and trockenen Wetterbedingungen, but a solcher Staubsturm with the intensive Blitzen is very rare.

A seltenes Wetterphänomen

Staubstürme sind in Wüstenregionen black keine Seltenheit, but the Combination with Blitzenkracht dies Phänomen besonders unewöhnlich. Blitze entstehen üblicherweise bei feuchten Bedingungen, während Staubstürme in trockenen, heißen Regionen auftreten. In this autumn, an unchanged Wetterlage provides the Entstehung that Wirbels, the Staub brought with itself as an electric Entladungen.