
Darum is in “Für alle Familie”

Darum is in “Für alle Familie”

An der Mosel geht’s nicht nur idyllic zu. In “Für alle Fälle Familie” legal auseinandersetzungen stopped that main narrator: there are people who are on trab with romantic emotions. It is a fact that it takes so long in the new Sat.1 series for the spannung.

A Richterin, two men, a herausforderder Job, fell Family and an atemberaubend schöne Landschaft: The new Vorabend-Serie “Für alle Fälle Familie” offers a Rundum-Perfekt-Package of Unterhaltung. Set the Hauptcast for, der zwische Weinbergen, Moselufer, Ritterburgen and Fachwerk-Idylle between the sparrows. A natural occurrence is now the Frage “Wer kriegt wen?”

Ab sofort auf Joyn: The day off will be held here at 6 p.m. with Livestream

Anna Angelina Wolfers is Jule Beyer

Anna Angelina Wolfers (45) played the central character of the series. Juristin Jule Beyer dealt with his other Heimat zurück, an Amtsgericht “Sonnstein” as a family judge in the battle. It is fresh and hat of men the nase full. Stubborn is the fact that the male Hauptrolle plays in his life, while the zehntklässler sees Mutter and the Moselle with the signalman. Schnell has seen other men in Jules Blickfeld, who, in the heart of the world, is no longer in the biggest problem with life in Ort and Amt.

Anna learns the Schauspielcraft at the “Zentrum voor Schauspiel, Bewegung und Tanz” in Cologne and plays as Leonie Preisinger in the ARD-Telenovela “Sturm der Liebe” (by Joyn as the siebte and eight Staffel she sees) in her first major TV role.

Stream Auf Joyn “Sturm der Liebe”.

Anna is not included in another TV series (“Lena – Liebe meines Lebens”, “Alarm für Cobra 11”, “Heiter bis tödlich”), another profile as a model for Werbe-Kampagnen and Unternehmerin. They are major fashion boutiques and champion the trend magazine “red.STYLE” at Sixx as experts in the field of outfits and styling.

Anna is with Johannes Strate (44), the frontman of the rock band Revolverheld. Ihr Sohn Emil came for Welt in December 2012.

More from Anna Angelina Wolfers

Isabel Varell is Inga Hambacher

Isabel Varell (63) told Jules Mutter Inga, who was Jule and Sohn Theo when he was growing up. It is possible that the Rückkehr von Tochter and Enkel, with Jules Ex-Ehemann, can no longer lead to war. Social media are an important support for Jules Neuanfang, everything Trubel brings to his new life.

“Für alle Fälle Familie” is played by Isabel a Rückkehr, who appears in the TV-Serie-Geschäft. It is the best of “Rote Rosen”, “Lena – Liebe meines Lebens” and “In aller Freundschaft”. The Schauspielerei is now one of Isabel’s Standbeinen. She started as a singer in 1981 with the single “Ich kämpf um dich”, in 1984 the “Goldene Europa” died as the best Nachwuchssängerin and best-known bisher zehn Alben and released 70 singles.

Multi-talented Isabel came to sailing in the 1980s, during her turbulent life with Schlager-Haudegen Drafi Deutscher and the strapaziöse Scheidung. Since 1997, Isabel has been working on Bücher inheritance as a moderator and authoritarian. Since 2015, director and moderator Pit Weyrich (75) has been inherited.

Arne Löber is Maco Frentzel

Kaum in der alten Heimat angekommen, läuft Jule ihrem Jugendfreund Marco, inzwischen Polizist, über den Weg. Jules Bruder’s best friend works at the Kopf in his heart.

Marco was played by Arne Löber (31). He studied sports journalism at the “Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln” and went on to obtain a Bachelor’s degree at the “Akademie für Darstellende Kunst Baden-Württemberg”. First time in the Fernsehen, we will see the Kölner WG at “Hot of Schrott – Die Allester” during the war. It is the first correct scale that appears in “Sturm der Liebe”, where the role of Florian Vogt is sold for a year. See how Arne plays more episodes in the series (“Tatort”, “WaPo Duisburg”, “Alles was zählt”) and war in the film film “Trümmermädchen” to see.

The new Vorabend Soap available free of charge

Kai Albrecht is Chris Hartmann

Chris Hartmann is a Mann der Tat. Not as Richter, but as Gentleman. A deshalb-lädt is still one of the first ways in which a glass of wine is a man on the Moselle who does not have such power. A meeting with follow: Jule can no longer get the self-confident and charming Anwalt bald on the head.

Chris was played by Kai Albrecht (44). The common Freiburger has been in the theater industry for over 20 years and has played over 60 roles. There are many longer engagements in TV series. In “Rote Rosen” there were 174 episodes with, between 2014 and 2016, there were 450 episodes in between 2014 and 2016. It is a signal experience and a full signal role (“Um Himmels Willen”, “Notruf Hafenkante”, “Die Bergretter”, “Die Fallers”, “Betty’s Diagnose”) eine de Schauspieler, bij dem man gerne rätselt: “Woher kenn’ ich denn bloß?”. With “Für alle Fälle Familie” it takes a while.

Aurel Klug is Theo Beyer

Theo has no light. There may be Mutter, but it is no longer the case that you sail on the Moselle. Schließlich steckt Theo nicht nur in der zehnten Klasse, son van een mitten in Pubertät.

Aurel Klug, born 2006, played Jules Sohn Theo. There is the first Mal in a leading role at the age of eleven on the Bühne of the Jungen Theaters Bonn and the Krümel in “Die Brüder Löwenherz”. Inzwischen hat Aurel auch das Fernsehen erobert (“Trübe Wolken”, “SOKO Köln”) and war 2021 in “Catweazle” in seiner ersten Kinorolle zu sehen.

The Jung-schauspieler enjoys music, plays the keyboard and saxophone, and is sporty: His hobbies are Fußball, Karate, Schwimmen, Skifahren, Klettern, Radfahren and Golf.