
Video surveillance in Görlitz and Zittau: Schuster receives a negative price

Video surveillance in Görlitz and Zittau: Schuster receives a negative price

The Saxon Police has won an award. Stubbornly, the Minister of the Interior is Armin Schuster (CDU). There is a quasi der Ober-Polizist in the Freistaat. If Armin Schuster gets a sense like that, he’ll never get an award. It is gilded as negative Auszeichnung. It concerns the Big Brother Award 2024. In the category “Behörden and Verwaltung”, Armin Schuster’s police would win. Der Grund für de Preisverleih: das “Videogestützte Personen-Identifikations-System” (PerlS), das zunächst in Görlitz an der Grenze en nun in Zittau seinen Dienst tut. Damit became suspicious in the final investigation.

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Datenschützer zählen sächsischen Innenminister an

Big Brother Awards – with the most attractive prizes this is not the case. The price paid by the dating protection is another one that eliminates the Veranstaltung of the German Association for Datenschutz and the Chaos-Computer-Club Hamburg. We have to deal – after our own business – one of the largest hacker associations in Europe. The praise for Armin Schuster went to Frank Rosengart of the Chaos-Computer-Club. Viel could be a PerlS attack that has not been resolved.

Kameras wie in Görlitz Bundesweit im Einsatz

“The system has become established in some Bundesländern and has become a major issue with new supervision measures for the police,” he said in his speech. The Police in Saxony has 2019 “relatively unnoticed of the Öffentlichkeit” angefangen, an der pollnischen Grenze “in large silent camera system zu installed”. The Sächsische Zeitung has given the Kameras, the Opbouw and the Zweck, a big message. PerlS, thus the paean to Chaos-Computer-Club, has become what Big-Brother-Traum has become. Once you have completed the installation of the systems, the end of cross-border Kriminalität has been reached. “So an overprotective driver could be a driver who made a biometric mistake of people, who became a Fußgänger and Radfahrer aufgenommen,” criticized Frank Rosengart.

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Kamer en der Görlitzer Altstadtbrücke - insgesamt gibt es 17 davon im Bereich Görlitz en Zittau

Kamer en der Görlitzer Altstadtbrücke – insgesamt gibt es 17 davon im Bereich Görlitz en Zittau

Umstrittenes system

The conclusion of the overarching system is indisputable – politically who is honest. Before all goes well, PerlS mobility and verdeckt can be used, and will be again. The large, automatic biometric installation in Echt was carried out after the investigation by lawyers, it is a Chaos Computer Club. Inzwischen hatman in the inner ministry nachgeschärft. “The predominant mechanisms of the hit are based on the border of the borders of the world on the classic criminalistic Arbeit handy or teilweise with retrograd biometric backgrounds”, thus a referent of the Ministry of the Interior ZZ “Retrograd”, also the night rägliche biometric recognition, – can win the Big Brother Award. “Mindestens im Rechtlichen Graubereich”, so Frank Rosengart. It became a common course of action of visual interest, a “retrograde” for a sense of purpose.

Zahl der Fahndungstreffer increases in Görlitz and Zittau

The biometric measurements in normal life would not be normal. “Weder an der Polnischen Grenze noch überall in der EU,” said Frank Rosengart in the blessing Laudatio. The Internal Ministry in Dresden saw the situation differently. The video recording of the video recording is intended for the bekämpfung, grenzüberschreitender Kriminalität. Grundlage seien Richerliche Beschlüsse im Rahmen der Strafprozessordnung. A bank with databases will not find statistics, the chamber system is not connected to the internet or a political database. What has been brought? By 2029, the cameras in Görlitz were released. Damals gab is a hit, a year später was more than 100 more. In the past year there were 387 punishments in the proceedings with a final result, in the year since the end of the year 360. A final entwicklung since the year 27.

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Innenminister nimmt Preis an

Bleibt de Frage: Was the Minister of the Interior himself responsible for the negative price announcement? “I would love it if a separate initiative in Zeiten, in the Theme Grenzkriminalität and Fahndungsmaßnahmen of high Aktualität since,” says er der SZ. There is a price that has arisen in the Wissen, “a person from Saxony, aber aus ganz Deutschland in his car or gestohlene residential mobility that is now sold itself, while the German police has a high-quality system in the einsatz hat.”