
Hike with the legendary ski racer Franz Klammer – Gesellschaft

Hike with the legendary ski racer Franz Klammer – Gesellschaft

1100 Height meters, “that since my hike with my Preisklasse”, says Franz Klammer. Genauso velde Höhenmeter lie between seinem Haus and dem Gipfel seines Hausbergs, dem Mirnock in Kärnten. It is a seine ship Lieblingstouren. Often it is yet another Tochter, who stops and says: “Papa, come, let’s go.” When something is lost, you see, man, the climber is a mountain man. On the other hand, I think Schritt is changing the Bergführer. It is a good idea to get to the Mirnock – or one of the other Nockberge, the names of the rondium in the form of a Gipfel, which a lot of Austrian Specialties think of welding, a Kasnocken, Grießnockerl, Salzburger Nockerln.

This is the first time that Essen is not near the Aussicht: “Oben hat man a wonderful Rundblick on the Kaiserburg, on the Tauern, the Julichen and the Carnic Alps. Und unten liggt der Millstattätter See.’ Das gefällt ihm jetzt, im Alter von knapp 71 Years, dem Mann, for the many years now of the Geschwindigkeit zählte: There is bis heute in the Disziplin Abfahrt of the hereditary Skirennläufer of the Weltcupgeschichte, one of the two a race that lasts for a long time without a high endurance speed of 111,251 kilometers on the track on the slopes with a hinged hat. Das Wandern als Genuss, die Österreich’s Skinationalhero first später für sich enddeckt.

In the Schulzeit the Gehen zum Alltag is honored

In der Kindheit war das Auf en Ab am Berg nur Alltag. Klammer is like Bergbauernbub and the Südwesthängen des Mirnock in Mooswald aufgewachsen. A romantic war never started, but the fact remains that the foundations for the splashing of the sea have disappeared. “I think the mumbling on the skis has happened, if I have been at war for a year, then maybe the Ruhe has gotten better,” erzählt erzählt there. In the Schulzeit hehörte das Gehen zum Alltag – but wenn there is no Wandern genannt hätte: At four o’clock in the morning hinauf the Alm zum Work, then runter zum Hof, the Ranzen packen and geschwind that 500 Höhenmeter behind are Schule gehen or run, you after another time. “Then the war is a point of three-quarters of a day.” The past years would be unfocused in two flashes, a form of tags, a nachmittags. There is no other way.

The rude training started with Job’s fortress, the 15-year war is a great and Holzknecht. “My father had a lot of fun, often hanging the wildest ones in the steep cliffs.” The war in the Bergwald was a disaster, and the great war that the young Franz had had left him in the heiklen Aufgaben. Chances are good that a man is doing a neckbrecheric job Deviating from one of the most common things: When a fisherman takes a leap, he sees a wilderness in the crazy situation of a single power.

Gelernt that there are damals that do not fall on the Flinksein, so who man yesust. And that power is so great and demonstrated that it is the first time that the hat is empty. Zwischen de Finger der linksen Hand kommen – starting from small Finger and Ringfinger – der Reihe nach: Brot, Kase, Wurst, Speck. With a clear Messer in der Recht Hand schneidet der Karntner dann Stück für Stück sein Essen ab, langam, konzentriert.

Weil is both the Jugendlichen fast jedes Ski racing gewann, comb Klammer first in the National Squadron, bald in the Austrian National Framework. A beautiful time, “I must not spend more time with my work. Das Training kicked off for a new hour.” This introduces us to a new variant of putting on and hanging up: Berglauf. There are no more problems with the young Skifahrer Kondition. On October 18th it was a European Cup Race in Bad Kleinkirchheim. A meadow ereignis is the most verbund. At 70. One year’s birthday is more fun with the Alt-Skistars like Markus Wasmeier, Gustav Thöni, Annemarie Moser-Pröll in legend races, where golf games or wander around with guests. This is a legend who acts while the Klammer does nothing. There is a “angenehme begleiterscheinung”.

Bad Kleinkirchheim marks the beginning of an extremely large career, which ultimately puts pressure on the suction cups. 1976, as Germany the „Gold-Rosi“ Mittermaier for the two Olympiasiege in Innsbruck feierte, freute sich Österreich über Olympiasieger Franz Klammer. The long-awaited effort in Kitzbühel is a four-time winnn. “Bis heute is das meine Lieblingsabfahrt”, it says. It’s a beautiful time, so you can look back at Klammer. Was it a young man who had more time, if the sport freude was power, if I Start would go, would a Run go?

Der Grund für signalen Erfolg: Talent, Ehrgeiz, a clearer Kopf

The Kameradschaft zählte, zu den Rennen fuhren sie gemeinsam im Auto; Those friends with sports in other countries stop now. We don’t deserve to never lose again, but Klammer may not be as strong with the best sports sport. “We can’t drink coffee in Kitzbühel or have a coffee at night. It is a press conference.” It was a mental trainer who has worked through the training of leistungssporten for a long time, but it is not that there is no question of what is said. Was there such a serious war? Talent, een gewisser Ehrgeiz, “and a fleißiger Trainierer war ich auch.” With a clearer headline, “der ist zu 90 Prozent separated”.

Klammer is in the world of sports with his sport – first with ski racing, then the newspaper is the car racing driver. First the hanging of the blessing child, the Wälder with the blessing time as a Holzknecht, began, with others who saw him. “Wenn man always that is, never man is not so conscious.”

Unten der Nebel, oben die Sonne: de Kärntner Nockberge im Herbst. (Photo: Photo: Johanna Pfund)

If you see the Schönheit heute, it is the Mirnock or the Kaiserburg. “We live happily in a paradise, the landscape has a huge valley, for wonderful walks and climbs that can make all the difference.” Further experiences are the herbs with their farb games. “My loveliest bäume since those Lärchen and those Birken,” said the Carinthian. In October I enjoy the golden gold, a ray of sunshine falling; The Laub der Birken shines yellow and orange. Then I’ll be happy to wander, in Schuhen, who are lucky to have passengers, in a Geschwindigkeit, which is not with 111 Stundenkilometers zu tu hat. „Langsam gehen, eraser, wie man seine Kraft einteilt.“ Who so often in Leben. Das Wissen is een eigen körperlichen torch, die unerlässlich at Gehen, er says. It’s no problem with the Marschieren. A little bit, a different translation, is a small effort. Or stupid? “Eigentlich is Lightsinn ja Dummheit”, it says. If the Muskeln adapt and put it all together, it will be.

Der Lohn des gleichmäßigen Steigens auf een Berg: de Ruhe, de Luft, eeninfach genßen. Egal, ob es ein bedeckter Tag is or onener, a man who sees all the Gipfel of the Eastern Alps. “It may be that you have done a few things, done a few things and have seen the ghost at that moment, it was guessed before this.” On the golden shining Lärchen, the Meadows, the Schafe. Franz Klammer saw that he continued with zum Wandern, he stopped at his Hausberg in Carinthia, where Daheim is, until he reached Vienna.

Kürzlich hat ihm der Landeshauptmann vom Tagliamento erzählt, one of the last Wildflüsse of the Alps. There jumps into the Dolomites and quickly flies 150 kilometers of unprocessed Richtung Adria, teils in a breiten Schotterbett. “It was a pleasure to explore a world,” says Klammer. Ansonsten are in Hausberg, in Mirnock.

Keine Leidenschaft ohne Utensil! These three steps are from Franz Klammer zum Wandern:

Das Messer

(Photo: Photo: Johanna Pfund)

“The message given by the community of Bad Kleinkirchheim during the past years is all important for me: a skier, my names, my journey, and 1:45.73, my time for Olympiasieg.”

The backpack

(Photo: Photo: Johanna Pfund)

“A backpack is natural with zum Wandern. I pack a T-Shirt with a Wechseln, my Jause and a Trinkflasche.”

Die Schuhe

(Photo: Photo: Johanna Pfund)

„Gute Schuhe braucht es unbedingt zum Wandern. These müssen passengers are expensive and not a small signal. If you are away from home, if you don’t have any air, you should not hesitate to respond.”

Bohnensalat zubereiten mit Jan Delay, Schallplatten heard with Léa Linster, Art Machine with Wolfgang Niedecken: Read more Following „My Leidenschaft“Find Sie here.