
Meetings of the BRICS States – Kein einheitlicher Wille

Meetings of the BRICS States – Kein einheitlicher Wille

The war against Putin is of great importance with the beginning of the Gipfels: The aim is to bring more Heads of State and Government to 16. BRICS-Gipfel nach Kasan kamen. The image of gastgebers in the Circle of Others is only inside and with documents, that is the way Kriegsverbrechen does not isolate a Russian president. The general tenor of the national nations has given the other state support to the Anwesenheit thann nor the Absolution, in itself with the Mann a einen Tisch zu setzen, der zeitgleich ganze Städte in Nachbarland Ukraine zu Geöll zerbomben lässt, während is hohntönend davon spricht, thats man but then Frieden anstrebe. The country is a serious diplomat that further eliminates the world governments of the United Nations.

Putin is more serious than that. If it is more urgent for the BRICS to wage a power-political struggle against the West, they will use Iran, while others in the BRICS Club are in the Schärfe unterstützt, while Putin himself wishes. China, in the Grundsatz with Russia, has received a huge boost, everything is strange, the United States has suffered damage, but the American market is no longer worth it. These views must be taken from the West that is isolated from Russia. If Russia’s man has the Vorgehen in Beijing in his grasp, it is invested, while China’s grim Russia status is stimmt mit ihm aber nicht completely überein. Still gold-plated in India and Brazil, the way the BRICS-Rahmen trade wollen as in the US, Europe and the Pacific state. Schließlich stehen in der vierten Reihe States, wie Äthiopien en Ägypten, de BRICS-Bühne zur political aufwertung, voor allem aber an Geld interessiert since, das dieser Richtung wird.

China’s Wirtschaftsleistung is greater when everyone else works together

Because the BRICS are quickly amalgamating half of the world investment and launching a Drittel der Weltwirtschaftsleistung, while the Siege has been going on for a long time, this here is a new power center that could no longer trade in the future. The argument is not established, but it should be the Vereinten Nationen, the more mens and Wirtschaftskraft-vereinen, and their actions. That is not true, but it is a political sin. That is the case, in other countries, for the EU players. If politics wants the resources to be used, this cannot be achieved through political realization.

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If the BRICS have a problem at all, Willen wants to reach one of the Chinese economies. While China dominates the Club: China’s Wirtschaftsleistung is greater than all the rest. Gegen China is also not mentioned. But China has taken the next step, which is unacceptable for the population rights of the Group, If. Both states control the power of this group, they are an egg in their territorial struggle, but the fact is that they can do one thing. Guten Willen has realized that nothing has happened. In the future, Chinese dominance would sink into the Kreis of the BRICS states, while the other states could get their vernachlässigen, and the world population could win from the BRICS: the Sino-Indian rivalry with ties.

If Russia was not happy, it would have been entgegen. If you want to visit the market in the US, Europe and the Pacific State, you can’t stop China’s houses, nor can you buy outside. The coupling of the West with the Russian Soul: its own BRICS Währung, its own BRICS Börsen zum Handel von Rohstoffen and Lebensmitteln, its own BRICS mechanisms of Swiss state conflict management. In Putin’s Welt besteht Souveränität in decoupling from the US. The other states that concrete, the American and European sanctions are generally bad for the state mines. One of the BRICS-Welt countries, in Russia with its Warenangebot, would have a halfboffenen-Club, which goes beyond the Western market, is a Grundwiderspruch, outside the BRICS Group not to return.

Die Aufnahme der Türkei in BRICS would be abgelehnt

Viel Wirbel is one of the Turkish presidents. I think the BRICS countries have an effective effect on the Western world, but that’s true. Erdogan looks at a Tisch, a dem es Renommee for his selfishness and money for his country, who feels good. A game is played for a year, with what you can do, we will still like to see the Türkei. That small power will be taken over in the BRICS countries through the recognition of the Turkish economy. Where the BRICS of the Club, if he gives his opinion, an influss in the Middle East, a herbe Klatsche dies for the Turkish presidents. If it is not even the BRICS countries, then the United Arab Emirates and Iran can devour the states of the region. Saudi Arabia would once be charged with the Mitgliedschaft, but it is not possible to avoid that Schritt.

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Xi Ramaphosa

Power politics with the BRICS countries involved in the German discussion is becoming increasingly important. Solange of the common political Wille feels, the Handel is the most important Betätigungsfeld. Whoever takes away the dollar is the Frage, Russia, more and more. You can apply for a project for SWIFT. Dazu wouldn’t be able to come anymore. If the big US government controls the economy, the dollar will become a singular entity in the world economy, which will be observed from the US. US American direction is one of the best ways to distribute dollars and that is China’s international economy. If the Verschiebungen came here, while the BRICS cooperated with them, China was the beginning of a cold frost: a Club that now hangs more of China’s stärker on the States. Would BRICS never have become an international power politics? China’s work can continue. Welchen Einfluss the international enterprise of the Gruppe kan, hangt voor allem davon ab, who is the grim of the West. Obviously in the US and Europe it is peculiar. Wenn der Blick auf BRICS is a bit higher, it is useless.

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