
The herausforderung of the Catholic Wähler in the American presidential elections

The herausforderung of the Catholic Wähler in the American presidential elections

Once the Zünglein and the Waage were, the Sache has grown into the American Catholic Wähler complex. The Präsidentschaftswahlen are in the Kirche on November 5 and chaos ensues. If the Wahlen have regained the previous dynamism in the large and whole two-dimensional Ausrichtungen: on one page of the republican Wähler, who is extremely sensitive to the Pro-Life theme, and on the other pages of the Democrats, who are still , Fragen der Gerechtigkeit, Solidarität und sozialen Gerechtigkeit in de Vordergrund zu set. The automatism in the stock markets started on November 5 and on November 5 the (automatic) power of the ultra-conservative Cardinals Leo Burke German, a set of the active Popes on the calendar of the Family Synod. There is a Cardinal who has become a frontman for life and the family that Mann and his wife founded and is in the end a sympathetic perpetrator of the war with Donald Trump. If you exceed the stellungnahme, it is the case that both Candidates distinguish themselves from the Rat des Papstes, which causes the smaller excess of impulses.

Der Kardinal wrote to the Gläubigen, the following follows: ‘With the Annäherung des Wahltages haben velde seriouslyhafte moralische Fragen darüber aufgeworfen, wie man wählen soll. Leader Stehen Wir in Unserer Großen Nation Vor Einer Situatie, in Derboth Großen Politischen parteien Bestimmte Program Vertreten, Die offensichtlich den grunddlegendsten prinzipien desetzes gesets ENS, Eine Agenda Gegen Die Integrität der He and his fruit, the family and an agenda have emerged freely from religion.” And weiter: “Yes, the current situation of national politics is morally broader, but can be a people of courtesy and can be an innocent perpetrator, the title of man’s work is a personal life and the transformation is a national cultural development.” Was also tun? “If Kandidat is now a wooer, it is wise to serve the community, especially in human life, the family and the education of religion, without judicial investigation, which is not at all what it is about.” if the Wahl ist, whoever knows Burke himself will turn into jedem Fall.

The position of the conservative Cardinals in Großen and Ganzen reflects the wider Papst Franziskus, which is based on Bergoglio and Burke, even though they remain unscientific positions. If those little semblances are a little, then the only path that is not separated is a little bit depending on the situation.

Letzten Monat Wurde Papst Franziskus became fragmented, when Kamala Harris and Donald Trump wählen würden. It is written: “Both since they are alive, even if they are young people who drive away migrants, as well as if they are children.” Auf de Frage een Journalist, welchen Rat is een Amerikan-American Katholiken geben würde, der zwischen einem Kandidaten , voor de Abtreibung ist, und ist sie den 11 Miljoenen Migranten sich er nie, sie den besiegen, beschrieben von Bergoglio both. “In modern politics, man in general says, that there is nothing wrong with it: it is good – there is something to be said –, man must be happy and man must have a smaller Übel wählen.”

Because Trump has won the sympathy of the cardinals of New York, Dolan and the attack on the schismatic Bischofs Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio in the US has won. Letzterer hat in onem offenen Short and the katholischen Wähler, nachdem is Kamala aufgrund ihrer Unterstützung für Abtreibung in the Sphäre Satan’s oneingordnet hat, auf the moral Pflicht hingewiesen, zur Wahl zu gehen. „It is important to have two radical new paths, the government of our nation will be shaped: I will be happy, Swiss democracy and dictatorship, Swiss freedom and freedom. On a page with the candidates Donald J. Trump, who has the biggest problem – especially in Bezug auf Abtreibung and assistance Fortpflanzung – the Gemeinwohl and the Schutz of the ground legends Freiheiten der Burger als Ziel hat. In Donald Trump’s America, Catholics can practice their work and see themselves more childishly, even if they are stateless. Others have had a candidacy and some, who supported everything, were directly aimed at the Glauben and the morals of the Catholic Church.”

We can see Biden as “One of the biggest elites, who grows up from Skandale and Verbrechen from his family, who is involved in Hunter, while erpressbar is” bezeichnet. When “Vize” Kamala Harris Undermines the Deep State. And the democratic parties, which are both parties, as the awakened ideology, all parties of the global Left are examining.”

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