
Umphage: Junge Leute finden Wirtschaft exciting, aber kompliziert

Umphage: Junge Leute finden Wirtschaft exciting, aber kompliziert

Status: 24.10.2024 11:09 am

Wage gap between men and women, work-life balance, poor working conditions: many young people find economics exciting, but they will be better off, says a study. Experts and young people offer more Bildungsangebote.

It was more than half of the youth and young years in Germany were interesting as one of the institutions of the Bertelsmann Foundation for the themewirtschaft. There are cases in which half of the Wirtschaftsnachrichten aber zu compliziert. A large amount has already happened before, but it is not possible to erase a Wirtschaft, a kind of Wirtschaftsnachrichten to verstehen.

It is clear that the great quantity is Wirtschaft. Vier von fun Befragten (83 Prozent) sagen, “this is a funktionierende Wirtschaft and a stable Demokratie sisterhängen”, the part of the Foundation with.

Men are more interested in the Wirtschaft as Frauen

A more genauer look into the study said that the interest and the Wirtschaftsthema are strongly schwankt – je nach Geschlecht und Bildungsabschluss. So interesting if you are 63 percent of men in the 14th to 25th centuries for the Wirtschaft, now 44 percent of young women.

While the representative of the umbrella finds the theme-wirtschaft in people with new Bildungs-abschluss a nice way to lighten prozentpunkte if they are fragmented with mittlerem or hohem Abschluss.

Young people find these themes exciting

Are economics themes still young? With 81 percent you can make the effort and learn at school and rush hour. Dann follows with 79 percent the Frage nach der Finanzierung des Lebens im Rentenalter. The Theme Chancengleichheit is located at Platz 3 at Bildung and Beruf (78). Dahinter lie Work-Life-Balance (77), Gender Pay (69) and Klimaschutz (66).

This is the theme Work-Life-Balance for all young people with a high Bildungsgrad. In the theme of the pay gap between men and women, including the unjustified cuts for men and women abroad, women are 25 percent more interested than men. The men are interested in the German more for the international legislative situation of the German Business and the Aktienmarkt.

Zu wenig Wirtschaft in der Schule

Fast 80 Prozent der Befragten wünschen sich more Wirtschaftsinhalte in der Schule. 62 Prozent the young people complain about this, the interest of politics will be examined.

It is a young person with a low political level of the political level that relates to a higher level of Bildung.

Bertelsmann Foundation

The Bertelsmann Stiftung was founded in 1977 by Unternehmer Reinhard Mohn, the chef of the Medienkonzerns Bertelsmann. After the foundation of the Konzerns, among others, the Bertelsmann Stiftung, it was more than 80 Prozent der Aktien at Bertelsmann-Konzern, one of the other RTL Group, the Musikunternehmen BMG, the Verlagsgruppe Penguin Random House, which has servicegeschäfte.

For my research, the data and analyzes of the Bertelsmann Foundation and the handling of the cases and the divorce sträger ab. If you operate, it is not possible to make the Dritter work, but you prefer to invest in self-started projects. It is important that you give the community its own opinion and that it adopts a more neutral political position.

Experts are looking for more information and explanation

Wirtschaft und Politik will last for more years, the young people will bond and their Wirtschaftliche Wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge erweitern würden, erklärte the Expertin der Bertelsmann Stiftung für Jugend and Wirtschaft, Sandra Zillinger.

If so, it is not that he is a good person, but the young person can have a wide variety of economic themes, very much from the Bertelsmann expert Tobias Bürger.