
Food-Trend – Staubtrocken war stern – Belegte Cookies since im Trend – Gesellschaft

Food-Trend – Staubtrocken war stern – Belegte Cookies since im Trend – Gesellschaft

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – A cozy, light-hearted experience: American cookies function years after the gleichen principle. Geschmacklich gut, optical is now for the Keksdose. But start-ups have given the classroom a new life a few years ago – and have gone viral with various Geschmacksrichtungen and Toppings. One of the expansions was: Cookie Couture from Cologne, a branch at Samstag in Stuttgart.

The Gründer-Team Julia Boes, Niklas Schenk and Kilian Wisskirchen worked on the design idea for three years at the US-Reisen. If you see the cookies fresh, they are often come and still not answered, message at age 29. There is a man who is here as little as possible. “We have thought and thought about Geschmack, which is why we live in Germany.” That is the start of the start-up process.

Kekse wecken Kindheitserinnerungen

Was Verbraucher one of the Gebäck-Klassiker? “Kekse wecken in helen our warm childhood experiences”, explains Sabine Schommer, Director of the International Trade Fair (ISM) in Cologne. Emotions and nostalgia are enormous, where the words are so stark with Keksen verbunden seien.

The textile industry has been following the trend for a long time. Interesting when you see that there are many creative things. With wasted Toppins, Themes-Cookies that are suitable for the period and brilliant farben, the man at Verbrauchern can punk. Gerade with Blick on the coming Christmas season sees Cookie with a big theme.

Verziert and was given the option to make Cookies optically. (Archive image) (Photo: Christoph Schmidt/dpa)

The American Cookies are an example of the start-up that has started in the German market, which is bigger, more powerful and softer, says Gründer Wisskirchen. “We enjoy the classic American Cookie in Europe, but in combination with French Patisserie and German Backhandwork.”

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