
Neues Windrad am Schauinsland – Ortenauer Landrat hört auf – Kein Hotel am Emmendinger Bahnhof – Podcast

Neues Windrad am Schauinsland – Ortenauer Landrat hört auf – Kein Hotel am Emmendinger Bahnhof – Podcast

200 Sekunden Baden

The large wind wheel and the holzschlägermatte are no longer necessary. After 16 years, the Ortenauer Landrat Frank Scherer was absent. Die Firma Gehri wird kein Hotel am Bahnhof in Emmendingen Bauen.

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“200 Sekunden Baden” is a synthetic podcast made by humans. The editing with the post-processing is one of the simplest stimulations ever. This is based on Sprach software – you may know it from Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri. The technology is lightweight, allowing for audio dubbing. If you are very light, you can no longer watch the sport on the way to the match or the sport. Who a radio broadcast per Mausklick. Sollten wir feststellen, since we were happy to talk to them, could have a KI-Stimme during training – we are happy to learn more about them (email protected).

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