
HafenCity: Life in the HafenCity

HafenCity: Life in the HafenCity

© Henning Kretschmer für DIE ZEIT

Liebe Leserin, Lieber Leser,

We are here as Service Leader, now follow a new term:
in Zwei Monaten ist
Weihnachten. I don’t even want to get nervous
Wie-machen-wir-es-bloß-dieses-Jahr-Menschen sein, elseits wäre es
seemlich unhanseatisch, später in noch größere Unruhe verfallen zu müssen.
I also think that the best Zeitpunkt is found when Wie-Wo-Wann goes to the kümmern, with an infallible knowledge of the Kollegen- and Bekanntenkreises.

Is the first man, however fragmentary, now the stimme, “jetzt schon plans?” Das Jahr sei, but still very enjoyable. There is a mighty power, a pause, then it says: “I am glaube, I will spend a New Year’s Eve now alone.”

The second part of the story, where Grandma Helga will experience the celebration of his new Gemeinheiten, will be a classmate who says: “So it has become a litfaßsäule”, or: “Wann machst Du etwas aus deinem Leben?” . Nor ist nicht clear, wether there
Family Diesmal mit ihr feiern muss. Was the Helga-Frage aber früh cleared, since the Rest now for Vorfreude.

We repeat reports that the gratitude and consequences of the night have increased, after the version has been thrown away, “rather than two weeks of stress, when I am aware of the month,” said one of them. If you have found one of the best tips, it is worth meeting Kollegin Bettina Tschaikowski.

A good Grundgerüst helps, says that, also a downright ort and unfährer Ablauf, “aber sich nicht daran zu klammern”. Erwachsene Tochter has endured his own white nights, and a few Tage später gefragt, as the Christbaumschmuck-leihen says: “Damit alles is wie früher”. Bettina übergab die Kugeln gern.

Gelassenheit, it is the lektion, is not more important than Vorbereitung. And if your Helga heißen and your plaques Vergleichen tend: Ein bisschen Zeit, um a besserer Mensch zu alles, he or she has neither.

A beautiful living day and a day to day!

Ihr Christoph Heinemann

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If you think you will have the Elbvertiefung in your family, your friend will be even more Kollegen. Please note that you can receive newsletter costs here.


© Marcus Brandt/​dpa

Road bridge construction work on the A7 roads around Wochenende a long stay in the Elbtunnel in Richtung Norden. An S-Bahn bridge must be wider, the bridge will stop and be closed. Before the work of the main traffic routes in Flensburg between the South Portal of the Elb Tunnels and the Anschlussstelle Bahrenfeld were blocked, the Autobahn GmbH mit. The Sperrung will be from today at 10 p.m. to Monday morning at 5 a.m.

In the intestines Start with the Winternut program of the City of Hamburg with 700 overnight accommodations for obdachlose people. On November 1, 400 Plätze in the Fördern & Wohnen-Einrichtungen in der Friesenstraße in Hammerbrook as well as 300 Plätze in der Châu-und-Lân-Straße in Moorfleet met Verfügung, een Wohnungslosen Erfrierungsschutz und een Dach über dem Kopf zu bieten, wie de social belonged miteilte. The overnight stay can take place between 5:00 PM and 9:30 AM, tomorrow it will be time again.

One year after Schüssen auf zwei Manner im Harburger Phoenix-Viertel hat das Landgericht
Hamburg two comments in the period of 28 and 33 years during the lifetime. The plan is for them both to stay together for eight years and four months. There are many paths that lead to damage, gefährlicher Körperverletzung and Verstoßes that are guilty of the Waffengesetz. Young people can enjoy a pleasant and simple journey to a great extent, which lasts a year and is a Monat-gefängnis.

In all Kurze

• When you leave the U-Bahn stoptetestelle Sengelmannstraße, you can leave the U1 to plant the U5, which can die U1-Strecke between the Haltestellen Lattenkamp and Ohlsdorf for a fun weekteilt die Hamburger Hochbahn mit


© Lina Müller

“Man see here, which Zahncreme der Nachbar uses”

Yes, the View of the Elbe is great – is it a miracle in the HafenCity? A city meeting with the plans and the residents, almost 20 years after the first time. Read here an Auszug aus dem Interview, geführt vom ZEIT:Hamburg-Team met über 30 Bewohnern en de Planern des Viertel.

Hamburg-HafenCity, a service day tomorrow in September. Before we get sick, the Überseequartiers eruption will happen over time in the year 2025. If we run out of Grund, we will go to the ZEIT and that day at the 25hours-Hotel directly to the Baustelle to Stadtteilgespräch lädt. An anniversary has been published: before 20 years is the first Bewohner in that time
Harbor City. Both Politiker and Stadtplaner fell over the Viertel spoken, which is gold plated as the largest Stadtwicklungsproject in Europe. Who is the Bewohnerinnen and Bewohners, who is here? Kurz nach neun Uhr betritt Dominic Sander den Raum. When Louis-Vuitton-Hemd reached the age of 53, her hair had been shaped with gel. There is a wide range, where you can find a coffee and a nice Platz.

WHO SAID: Good Morning, Herr Sander! It’s the first hot one. Living in your Ecke?

Dominic Sander: Yes, I’m Sandtorkai, straight to Astor-Kino. 2019 I am with my friends again, from Lohne near Oldenburg.

Warum in the HafenCity?

I want my software company to call on my business, whatever I want. Berlin, Vancouver and Hamburg were among the narrowest Auswahl. There are homes in Rothenburgsort, Winterhude and Harvestehude. If you are in the HafenCity area, you should investigate. Here is Leben!

It’s a good choice. Was gefällt Ihnen here so sehr?

I can do better here. It is the first time that we have been in the Großstadt-wohnen, while we have this kind of fun here. The Bar 20457 zum Beispiel is een richtiger Nachbarschaftstreff – de Besitzer Toni is een, de Menschen in Viertel nicht ammenbringt. I knew the great chef from IBM here and a great ballet dancer. Mein Nachbar war früher Polizist.

Who enjoys Sie den Stadtteil noch? Will you continue here?

I have seen the Verkauf meiner Firma de Luxus, not of the sparrows. Tagsüber three is fell sport, and mache triathlon. With the Fahrrad I’m here quickly in the Vier- and Marschlanden, and I can jog in three Himmelsrichtungen. When you are in the Fitness Studio in the Überseequartier, you can rest assured, it is just as easy. Do it the tasty way and it’s done.

Welchen Verbesserungsbedarf Dominic Sander in der HafenCity sieht en welche Erfahrungen seine Quartiersnachbarn in dem jugen Stadtteil haben,
read more in the new phase of ZEIT ONLINE.

Zum fullständigen Article


© Otto

“We live in Hamburg, even in a large city, in our own fashionable life. We are proud: Wenn mein Mann mit unserem Sohn zu Bastelnachmittagen in der Kita ist, where there is always the only Father.”

Otto-Vorständin Katy Roewer spoke in an interview with Hannah Scherkamp and Felicitas Wilke from the Geld-Ressort at ZEIT ONLINE, who can get a job and the next step for a kind of haben den geese Article read here

MAHLZEIT – Die Gastrokritik

Sri Lankan Küche? Hat man is not like that on the Schirm. Sie ähnelt der südindisen. Also more Reis as Brot, more Coconut as Butter, possibly more “Asien”. Before Sri Lankan gulf gilded, that’s all. The small local branch in the Schanze has the power to use all kinds of kitchen utensils, one of the Indian kitchen funds.

Schon de farbenfrohe Einrichtung mit Wandgemälden, Masken und een Surfbrett geht weit am Gewohnten vorbei. Dem Menü notes that the Sri Lankan Wave started as a Food Truck. It is possible to multiply some of our future consumer goods (where there is no possibility of multiplication whatsoever). Wer three, four speisen try hat, kann sich ausmalen, wie all übrigen schmecken. If the power is not greater, it will be an interesting case.

Chili is such a good man, he is such a sick person. Kokosnuss auch, as Milch or Raspeln. So, some of the Indian products offered here will judge a man, become fresher and become gemstones. Jedenfalls become a little more intense, when man is used to it. The Currys with Turmeric are relatively classic. Pro Gericht is concerned with three or four seasons, depending on the play with a different focus, it is not typically Sri Lankan, but it is important that you complete your journey. Wirklich schräg es both the Rotis, who remember a few Crêpes: They are full, with Shrimp-Coconut-Curry, comes with a western cheese with mixed Gouda and Mozzarella. Very good functioning of this gut.

If you can quickly find the description of the item here, this is a service that is thanks to the service that is not aimed at understanding the knowledge of the art “ohne scharf, dafür mit Rührei” erüllt with English. Man sollte nach einem Besuch hier bloß nicht behaupten, man know nun, wie die wahre Srilankische Küche schmeckt.

Michael Allmaier

Sri Lankan Wave, Bellealliancestraße 38, Schanzenviertel. Tel. 52982260


A lifetime of cultures, a life for art: In my early October in Carlsen Verlag erschienenen Graphic-Novel “Ahmadjan und der Wiedehopf” (The Hamburger Illustrator in Maren Amini die Migrationsgeschichte ihres Vaters, der in de 1970er-Jahren als young Künstler aus) Afghanistan is working on Dorthin zurückkehrte in Germany and the United States, one of his ideas for Hilfsprojecten to undertake. Maren Amini presents his book during the Sonntag in Kulturhaus Süderelbe vor.

Maren Amini “Ahmadjan und der Wiedehopf”, 27. 10., 11 Uhr; Kulturhaus Süderelbe eV, Am Johannisland 2; Tickets are available or here


Sonnenuntergang über Blankenese © Hilke Suhr


In the Supermarket there is a radio transmitter, a Mitarbeiterin says about his collection: “Die, die da grad singt, die Shirin – ihre Mutter is meine Nachbarin in Dulsberg. Die hat me immer auf ihrem Parkplatz parks lassen, da die Familie kan een Auto hatte . Jetzt How Shirin bought a car and the more Parkplatz she has.”

Gehort Lars Wiemer


Who is in the HafenCity? (Z+) – Yes, the Blick on the Elbe is great – would the Viertel be so educational? A city meeting with the plans and the residents, almost 20 years after the first time.

“I would like to have a good job, because I am now 80 years of work” (Z+) – Katy Roewer works as a principal at Otto – since the time of my life lasts for a lifetime. Who knows: I am looking for a job and a time for my kind?