
Kolibakerieen: Fast-Food-Ketten nehmen Zwiebeln vom Menü

Kolibakerieen: Fast-Food-Ketten nehmen Zwiebeln vom Menü

After an American refrigerator with a toten, there are more fast food chains in a Lower Frisian Zwiebeln from the Angebot world. The Unternehmensgruppe Yum! Brands, from KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, while Burger King dies as a result of his message, messages from “Washington Post” and the American channel NBC are stimulated. These Behörden führten den Ausbruch auf den Verzehr eines bestimmten McDonald’s-Burgers zurück.

The US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has investigated the Ausbruch. If you do, it is true that there are some geschnittene-zwiebeln in the ‘Quarter Pounder’, the American pendant of the Hamburger Royal, from McDonald’s in Ausbruch has made a bargain.

Bereits wei Klagen eingereicht

McDonald’s has engaged the FDA in the federal state of the Quarter Pounder and protected health care or completion of the range. Most of a meal from McDonald’s has brought more Zwiebel products from the Angebot collection. In the Federal State of Nebraska, we have since received complaints about McDonald’s, reported by the sender NBC.

The US authorities are under the Ausbruch, since 49 people in the Federal States between September 27 and October 11 after an infection with Kolibaakteren were sick. Eine der Erkrankungen in love todlich.

Bestimmte Stämme der Kolibaakerien kan die Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung schwerwiegende Erkrankungen wie Nierenversagen reformrufen. The typical symptoms of one of the most common symptoms are the common CDC symptoms, which occur during the disease and its consequences.

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