
WienIT öffnet Öko-Postzustellung für External – Kooperation mit VENDO

WienIT öffnet Öko-Postzustellung für External – Kooperation mit VENDO

Wiener Stadtliga

The Wiener Stadtwerke-Tochterunternehmen WienIT wird zukünftig Post für de Kommunikations- und Druckdienstleister VENDO zustellen. If the collaboration with the WienIT-erstmals is the established geschäftsmodel, then so be it. More millions of postal items per year will be used per electric lastmoped, and the Wiener Linien-Jahreskarte. Der Kooperationsvertrag would this Woche von Monika Unterholzner, stv. General director Wiener Stadtwerke, WienIT-Geschäftsführerin Eva Schwarzl and VENDO-Geschäftsführer Rainer Bollmann in Wien unterzeichnet.

WienIT öffnet Öko-Postzustellung für External – Kooperation mit VENDO

Wiener Stadtwerke-Tochter loves its beauty 3 Mio. Poststücke jährlich aus

Started 2020 with fünf Elektro-Lastenmopeds, actively cruising on 20 Fahrzeuge der WienIT through the Bundeshauptstadt. Set up the costs, flächendeckend and for all emission-free shipments of the Wiener Stadtwerke-Gruppe – beispielsweise Jahreskarten van Wiener Linien – zu. Monika Unterholzner, Stellvertretretende Generaldirektorin der Wiener Stadtwerke-Gruppe: “Klimawende braucht Kooperation. If an urban logistics company reduces the damage to the city and the tragedy in that area – in the sense of climate protection – then you will be left behind. Der Zulieferverkehr mit E-Transportern focuses on the high standards of the City of Wien. It is very unsatisfactory that VENDO is an external partner for our Öko-Postzustellung benefits.”

Ökological and cost-efficient Zustellung von Poststücken

Erstmals now no longer have any idea of ​​the Stadtwerke-Gruppe that hosts the öcological and cost-efficient logistics services of the WienIT-zurück. With the Communication and Printing Service Leister VENDO, a mittelständisches, familial Geführtes Unternehmen mit Standorten in Wien, Vöcklabruck and Deutschland, a Kooperationsvertrag geschlossen, der die Zustellung von VENDO-Sendungen innerhalb des Zustellnetzes der WienIT vorsieht. With the purchase of WienIT efficiency and output in the logistics sector: VENDO would receive a post-stücke and WienIT-liefer, which then became WienIT-zugestellt. If the German route were made as close as possible, the road of employers and employers would be covered by this road. Kürzere Wegstrecken minimizes the time and travel wall for short and ensure that it is a cost minimization. Eva Schwarzl, Geschäftsführerin der WienIT: “With cooperations we set up a synergy and build our own services as a business partner or a Wiener Stadtwerke Gruppe. Unsere Delivery & Output Services connect printing and digitalization and enable shipments to achieve Konzern-rasch, costs and emission-free zu.”

Rainer Bollmann, Geschäftsführer of VENDO, says: “The collaboration with WienIT is a clear win-win situation. If you make a profit from the most pleasant, costs, costs and back payments, you can make a short briefing, while the WienIT can be used in the future.”

Eigene Briefzustellkonzession

With the help of Postal Posts, we will be able to obtain a letter from the postal market. The liberalization of the postal market first started in Österreich in 2011. WienIT is a kind of full-fledged postal service with short-term service, which has provided the best immunity from the postmarket regulations of Leistungen. Please feel free to use electric vehicles. Another service of the WienIT service is located in the Umsetzung.

WienIT öffnet Öko-Postzustellung für External – Kooperation mit VENDO

Uber WienIT

WienIT is the central IT and business partner of the Wiener Stadtwerke-Gruppe. Rund 650 Mitarbeiter*innen can be deployed and involved as an IT infrastructure in the background for the Wiener Linien, Wiener Lokalbahnen, Wiener Netze, Wien Energie, Bestattung & Friedhöfe, immOH!, GSWG, WIPARK and Upstream Mobility. The Leistungen van WienIT reichen van IT-Services, uber-technical personal processes with regard to Print-Jobs. Please take care of the delivery and output services of your customers within Wien. WienIT GmbH has been a 100% full guarantee of Wiener Stadtwerke GmbH since 2003. More information about WienIT under:


The VENDO Kommunikation + Druck GmbH is one of the leading Kommunikations- und Druckdienstleister in Österreich. The Austrian Family Nunternehmen with more than 200 Mitarbeiter*innen and a Umsatz von rd. 35 Million Euro looks at more than 100 years of personal history. Von den Standorten Wien, Vöcklabruck and Deutschland became national and international services. The VENDO-Angebot offers fast digital communication, comprehensive e-supply deliveries covering transaction transactions, mailings, corporate print sorting and business operations. More about VENDO:

Photos: WienIT