
Leserbriefe: Es fehlte von Begin und een know-how – Leserbriefe

Leserbriefe: Es fehlte von Begin und een know-how – Leserbriefe

Energy provider

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Zu: “Ein ambitious Stadtwerk gibt auf”, Beitrag von Bernward Janzing (Wirtschaft, 19. October)

It is an expensive asset, it is a small energy provider that delivers the best results in the complex world of regular network traffic and strong regulatory pressure. This may no longer be possible. And in any case: Why does the energy service damage itself so much because of the energy consumption? Is it standard Verluste? With their own capital base for the four regular period from 2024 to 2028, 5.07% (New Years) will be 3.51% (Altanlagen) will be available for business (from 2019 to 2023 they will be 6.91% 5.12%). Man braucht dazu aber Know-how. And it is not that the Geschäftsführung of Anbeginn is a problem, if it is all in the Aufsichtsrat. Dieser muss eine kompetente Geschäftsführung kostenlos anschließend auch überwachen. If you are not in the low state, you can order one of the fachkundigen Wirtschaftsprüfer. This is a party: Fehlanzeige. If the communals are not in the low corner, that is obvious. If the EWS is used, it will be delayed. When using the EWS, you must control the flow. The badenova has no interest in any of the EVTNs at all, but it is a lucrative (so-called competently managed) stream that is strengthened in the Schoß.Michael Kramer, Bonndorf

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