
Der spoga+gafa Award – Fachhändler des Jahres

Der spoga+gafa Award – Fachhändler des Jahres

Winner: Florapark Wagner GmbH (Wiesloch): Projekt Zukunft

“Durch den Neubau eine 2,700 Quadratmeter großen Cabrio-Gewächshauses gewährleisten wir die Produktion von B&B-Pflanzen für den Eigenbedarf. The “Zukauf von B&B-Pflanzen come with large areas of regional gardens” created by Florapark Wagner GmbH. In another Cabrio-Gewächshaus, the Baumschulware, soft drinks that you can get at Regen, Eis and Schnee in Ruhe stöbern können, are presented.

There are many possibilities in the family homes from Wiesloch large geschrieben: So ensure a PV system with a peak of 100 kW for a lower energy yield. Verschiedene Mehrwegsysteme, een Wasserrückgewinnung, Okostrom und der Einsatz von Nützlingen schonen gleichzeitig Middelen zowie Umwelt.

In Florapark it is no longer the Pflanze, under the Mensch – all 23 new institutions in the corridors both years represent the Weichen for the Zukunft. Nachwuchsförderung starts with the Tagen der Kindergärtnerei. Aber auch Ferienkurse or Adventsbasteln sollen in de Kleinen die Begeisterung für die Grüne Branche wecken. Buying debt is the next step towards tomorrow. No idea: this is a new insight and a professional treatment for the Generation 60 Plus, but it seems all right now.

Wagner’s Werbetrommel plays on some channels: Anzeigen und Printwerbung in überregionale Printmediaen und Radiowerbung heard ebenso zur Marketingstrategy with regular Posts on Facebook and Instagram. Be sure to enjoy your stay with your loved ones and enjoy your “Ladies Night” with 800 visitors in the Flora Park.

a young woman with long hair and brilliant hair in a garden center hinter a Verkaufstisch with Pflanzen and laughs in the room

2. Platz: Cimiotti’s Garten (Mendig): Cimiotti’s Garten – Final sale on the land – new idea

Cimiotti’s Garten is a concept, the small garden on the Dorf has never been neglected, the market has changed. Ganz im Gegenteil – u can find one of the best ways to illuminate and thus understand the Belebung of the Länder. Who is functional? The remaining Opening Times, from Donnerstag to Sonntag, jewels from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., are spent relaxing and offering a completely new Einkaufserlebnis. In Cimiotti’s Garden you can enjoy a relaxing moment without having to spend time in the garden café.

The Pflanzensortiment, for all those Staudenauswahl, has sich laut Cimiotti’s Garten deutlich von Großflächenanbietern ab. A planning service also helps with garden maintenance, making it a wonderful addition. You can follow the entire Saison Floristik workshops and undertake Tagesreisen to private gardens at home and abroad.

ein GArten mit verschiedenen Gehölzen und Stauden in der Abendsonne

3. Platz: May Garden (Kassel): Experience Gartencenter May Garden

May Garden is mittlerweile in dritter Generation-familiengeführt. 1948 as a landscaping landscape with a large garden, with a May Garden over the years of a garden center with an extensive range of Zimmerpflanzen, Beet- and Balkonpflanzen, Baumschulwaren and Floristik überregionale etabliert. “During the long time, which is a mittlerweile gibt, he will expect with the city and come in Kassel and a bekannter name,” so May Garden, “will be a green Wohlfühltreffpunkt in urban Raum.”

In addition, the tradition of the Kasseler traditions is one of the marketing strategies in social media: “Zweimal im Years Bieten met een Gewinnspiele an. You can enjoy high-quality food, a free Latte Macchiato in our Bistro or a Gutschein from a professional patio spread with terrace. There are brands that follow the right strategy on Instagram – our winnspiele brings some new offers.”

View in a garden center with fallen Grünpflanzen

Finalist: Gartencenter Heuschkel (Werdau): Recognition of retail sales/Fachkräftemarkt und unser Handeln daraufhin

Aftercare for a structural development area – that is the Heuschkel garden center for its mission. When one of our factory workers in the region goes out into the world, a larger company in Zwickau is provided with an attractive range of regional products. The product palette is sorted in a different way, with the Tomate ‘Harzfeuer’. Gleichzeitig liegt das Gartencenter in pointo Nachhaltigkeit am Puls der Zeit: A fast automatic energy and laundry server sorgung, wiederverwendbare Verpackungsträger and Töpfe are now one of the most prosperous maßnahmen.

Weiteres which problems occur at Heuschkel, are young publications for the Gärtnern that are starting: A more modern image of the Verkaufsräume and a 24/7 service that helps sollen dabei. If the little things are no longer available at Heuschkel: an additional range is called “Helfer for the little ones” and a game is offered by professional children’s marketing activities with events and giveaways.

a man and a woman stehen in a Gewächshaus fuller Pflanzen and views in the Kamera

Finalist: Gartenbau & Floristik Max Holzner (Bogen): Ihre Gärtnerei Max Holzner

If regional family businesses collaborate with Max and Marion Holzner’s team, their own production and floristry could be their own products. “The Pflanze is in our center and would be perfectly settled in Szene through rich presentations and show displays. “The larger production mixes in the standard range of beets are also special in their own production,” he said. A bread range and beet and balcony tops are not Wünsche offenlassen. You will find the knowledge at Gartenbau & Floristik Max Holzner about 70 sorting self-produced Gemüsepflanzen for the Eigenanbau.

The exclusive, trendy Floristik plasterboard has been special throughout the years. Highlights: Presentations for All Saints’ Day and Advent with over 1,000 handmade Gestecken and self-bundled Advent wreaths. The Herz des Betriebs images last 30 minutes and the time lasts 40 years for the Holzners.

Vater, Mutter and his fellow Tochter live in a Gewächshaus behind a landscaped and friendly friend in the camera