
So “Mister Tagesschau” lives in Mallorca

So “Mister Tagesschau” lives in Mallorca

Mallorca Magazin: Herr Hofer, after 35 years as a speaker on the TV Show in First and Three Years on RTL Directly enjoy your time with a break on the island, right? Or woolen Is this here for the Ruhestand in the Netherlands?
Jan Hofer: I have been living here for 40 years now, and I have been living with the stress of my life since being stressed by my job. If you would find the bad nights in Germany, I would find an Ausgleich zu here. We have been living at the Mittlerweile fest in Palma for four years now.

MM: They believe as motorcyclists and classic car fans. So if Serpentine in the Serra de Tramuntana is still busy with a feuerstuhl, won’t you find it?
Hofer: Yes, the Strecken is a sensation. I have regularly come out with a Spanish-German Bikertrupe. My Harley-Davidson was here for 20 years, and it was never this nice. Then I brought it to Germany and stole the inner world for three weeks. I am currently in possession of a VW 1303 Cabrio, built in 1979, for the transportation work of Spain after Germany. Dort steht nor a Mercedes 220 S Ponton, Baujahr 1958. I am growing up one summer on the Hitze on the Insel, a Cabrio in the mountains, which is wonderful on my Fiat 500 zurück.

MM: Did you spend that time in Mallorca, during your stay there? Is it true that a life in the disaster light – and when a man in the Tagesschau-Studio goes live – the ways of the drucks become stronger?
Hofer: Nur am Anfang bedeute the Stress für mich, später wurde es zur Routine. Irgendwann fühlte sich das TV-Studio wie een Wohnzimmer one. Now in a particular situation, man is busy. The normal turmoil is stress-free.

MM: As Chefsprecher der Tagesschau, Ihre Markenzeichen Seriosität and Glaubwürdigkeit. Was the child born or could man have become this way?
Hofer: I’m glad, that’s what I’m doing now, or I’m not sure. Authentic when it comes to my job. Is it an obvious choice, how the Leute is once the Wahrheit Glauben?

MM: Was there some great moments in my long-term TV life? A war against the most innocent Augenblick?
Hofer: I have many beautiful moments, I am happy to be able to enjoy the future and receive other messages – information about my shared life in a single highlight. Including the war for the moderation of the show prizes “Goldene Europa” with Schauspielerin Ornella Muti in Bozen. One of the experiences in the Erinnerung is that I started in the autumn of 2019. The Director will have no notification and no more live transmission if the room is sent quickly.

MM: Who led his family here on the island?
Hofer: I live with my wife Phong Lan here, and my young star Sohn Henry goes to Mallorca at his school and learns four languages ​​– German, English, Spanish and Catalan. Zudem hatte is not yet a Chinese period like Fach. Mir is wichtig, fell Zeit with my family zu verringen, gesellschaftliche Events stehen bei mir nicht in Vordergrund. Schließlich must be my wife and then be a nanny for the young woman. If you want to play with the family and the beach, you can play football or play together with the Trampolin-Park Palma Jump. Auch Bootsausflüge stehen bei uf dem Programm. Schließlich has the Bootsführerschein power for three years.

MM: Who cares about my Spanish knowledge?
Hofer: Meine Frau kann sehr gut Spanish. When I do that, my acquaintance with the Hilfe knows my words about the words. Leader come, I will learn little, that we are in Germany for a project muss and own standard under the road. In general, when the Leute is here, the friendship is not as friendly, as the human speaks with his Spanish language.

MM: Which project will be the best for Ihnen?
Hofer: I spent three years in Berlin on RTL and enjoyed broadcasting. Now that it’s okay, my story is skittish about the three years before the war starts. My family war in the Zwischenzeit here in Mallorca, and we would become räumlich – was not a Sinn der Sache war. Let’s wait and see, I’ll be happy, I’ll see you soon! I really want to be up to date with the following messages, which is a war that heralds a war. But if you are still in Mallorca on the beach, it is not my thing. There’s a problem happening when you see it. An NFL game was played in Munich in November. Zudem ich das Buch “Ein Leben für de gooden Geschmack” written for the Koch Johann Lafer. If you use social media, it is active. Vergangene Woche, a video on Instagram immediately went viral. It’s worth a million dollars.

MM: Is it still on the Sun Island, which is important in my life?
Hofer: I would like to have a good time, that the Miteinander with the Mallorquin better functions and man for all that soziale Gefüge best in the Griff cares. It is a very social living project. The Mallorquiner products are homemade. If you are in Anrecht, you can live here. The income is that of tourism, but the expenditure earns their money and the excitement they find. I think this situation is really bad!

MM: Did you think Sie über den Ballermann? Were Sie schon einmal und dieser deutschen Touristenhochburg an der Playa de Palma?
Hofer: I found the Ballermann was drunk, but he was allowed to, so I’ll be happy. There are major advocacy groups that can help the Balearic Islands get their gross domestic products voted. Of course, the Ballermann is in the German middle class by the messaging statistics – but it is not a science in any form. Manchmal bin ich alldings bei Aufttocht meines Freundes Mickie Krause as Guest in Megapark dabei. During my stay I would like to spend my time at Playa de Palma.