
Brand – Brand in Haus für Hotel-Mitarbeiter – Fünf Menschen verletzt – Bayern

Brand – Brand in Haus für Hotel-Mitarbeiter – Fünf Menschen verletzt – Bayern

Balderschwang (dpa/lby) – Bei einem Grossbrand in einem Mitarbeiterhaus eine 4-star Wellnesshotels in Allgäu since fünf People are lost – 115 Hotel guests are evacuated. The fire in Balderschwang where the frühen Samstagmorgen entdeckt be, wie die Polizei mitteilte. Beim Eintreffen der Rettungskräfte stand das Gebäude bereits komplett in Flamen. The Feuer konnte von Einsatzkräften unter Controle were brought. The losses cannot last longer.

Die fünf Verletzten have praised the Polizei Brandverletzungen and Rauchvergiftungen. They were both present during the night and were able to jump into a window. All deceased persons were taken to a normal psychiatric hospital.

Hotel-Gäste im Schullandheim

The adjacent Wellness Hotel would have a great experience, but it would be a feuer verschert. 115 Guests were accommodated in a nearby Schullandheim unterbracht. A police officer cannot provide information about the guests staying at the hotel on Samstagmittag.

Roads of the Einsatzes is the Ortsdurchfahrt von Balderschwang, so that the Riedbergpass is blocked. Der Schaden is praised by the Police on Millionenhöhe geschätzt. That Ursache des Brandes is not clear. The Ermittlungen der Polizei have disappeared.

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