
Betrugsfall – Londoner Käsehändler: Cheddar for 300,000 Pfund gestohlen – Panorama

Betrugsfall – Londoner Käsehändler: Cheddar for 300,000 Pfund gestohlen – Panorama

London (dpa) – A Londoner Käsehändler is cheated after acquiring a large amount of Cheddar. If a few thieves have become more than 22 tons of Cheddars, teilte Neal’s Yard Dairy with. Kochboek author Jamie Oliver has put the Unternehmen on his page with a great Hilferuf.

“I think so, it’s a piece of cake, but it’s not like that,” says Oliver (49) in an Instagram video. “The only one of the best cheddar cheeses in the world were prepared.” The cheese war beef worth 300,000 Pfund (and approximately 360,000 Euro).

The involvement is great as a wholesaler and one of the French Lebensmittelhandlers, Teilte Neal’s Yard Dairy. It’s more like 950 Laibe Hafod, Westcombe and Pitchfork Cheddar, before the bet is dropped. The London police get the autumn night. When I get near the Diebstahl a larger group, the best results of the Metropolitan Police are reported. Bisher is a great party.

“It’s the great cheese robbery”

Trotz des großen finanziellen Schaden can be regarded as your Verflichtungen gegenüber in small love deliveries and the factory bezahlt, teilte of the British Käsehändler mit. If you work with the Ermittlern, you can find what you have found.

Invoking a trade name, if you report it, will cause the problems that the Diebstahl strain brings. When Jamie Oliver comes to market, notice that it’s a big mix of Premium-Cheddar at the Schwarzmarkt, while the boats are in disarray.

“I was very happy with my work,” said Oliver, who is very happy with his TV shows. What about whether the fast food industry is woolly? There is a sickly comic Sache, 22 Tonnen Käse zu klauen. Oliver spoke of “großen Käseraub”: “It is the great cheese robbery.”

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