
Bill Kaulitz enthusiastic intime Anecdote: “Muss auf Toilette, willst du mit?”

Bill Kaulitz enthusiastic intime Anecdote: “Muss auf Toilette, willst du mit?”

Bill Kaulitz

Skurrile Anecdote aus seinem Liebesleben: “Muss auf Toilette, wilst du mit?”

Bill Kaulitz provides a few details about life for next time. The fact is that it is a fun start to a Promi Party.

In the new radio show, which is active on the Wednesday evening, the visitors of the Tokyo-Hotel-Frontmann present the opportunity to share their experiences with fans and explore and enjoy their experiences together. In der Show savory Bill has an exciting Fragen signaler Zuhörerinnen and Zuhörer.

Bill Kaulitz floods with sex anecdote

So Bill Kaulitz talks to other people about the world being a bad sex hater. If you start working at the age of 35, there is a sex experience on a guest mind. The leader of the toilet war was as small as the German film producer and well-known director Roland Emmerich (68). Während a party in Haus von Emmerich since there are other guests can be.

If you really enjoyed Flirt, you have taken advantage of the opportunity and asked for the welcome guest: “I would like to have a Toilette with you?”. The rest is history. Der Sänger did not go into further detail.

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