
Cologne: Mann (31) in Diskothek angeschossen – Mordkommission ermittelt | Regional

Cologne: Mann (31) in Diskothek angeschossen – Mordkommission ermittelt | Regional

Cologne (NRW) – Erst started working in Cologne for a fitness studio and Mann (32) erschossen. In the night zu Sonntag fielen in der Rheinmetropole erneut Schüsse.

At 4.30 am go to the cloakroom in the diskothek “Mio Club” on the Hohenzollernring in Cologne two more men (24, 28) in one stretch. When you use a gun, you can use a gun and put it in your contact.

Schuss met Unbeleiligten

The Kugel travels over a priceless guest. Der 31-years were lost, must be in one Krankenhaus were brought. Lebensgefahr file at ihm nicht. Einsatzkrafte der Polizei set a scharfe in the Diskothek in the Innenstadt Schusswaffe and more projectiles.

After the Schussabgabe flüchteten die both Beeiligten aus der Diskothek. You can party all the time in Köln-Höhenberg on Olpener Straße.

We arrived first at the weekend in Cologne

Die Polizei focus on one Mordcommission An. It is unclear what the background of the stripes is Rocker-Environmental play. In Cologne the Monaten became more Auseinandersetzungen ausgetragen.

After a Diebstahl von Cannabis, the Dutch ‘Mocro-Mafia’ arose in the Rhine before the Second World War and explosions in the city were going on in the area. Great to find in Cologne a change of scenery Rockern statt, at the time I lost Mittwoch Davide K. erschossen wurde.