
Welche Marktlücke Gregor Peter Schmitz für Stern+ sieht

Welche Marktlücke Gregor Peter Schmitz für Stern+ sieht

Take a look at the title interview in the news story – Magazin für Führungskräfte in Medien:

kress pro: Watch the relaunch of Stern+ as one of the more ambitious projects in German journalism. Was it so ehrgeizig an einem Vorhaben, with dem Sie nur dahin kommen wollen, wo Wettbewerber wie “Spiegel” and “Zeit” schon longest since?

Gregor Peter Schmitz: Our relaunch is the path of the radical strategy tools that form a new government-oriented digital bot into another project. Clearly identifying yourself can help you achieve greater success with paid content. If you will buy a device in a new set million for the next few years, the cost will be a maximum of 30 million per year. Now if you start spät, if you fall with your Kraft paper in this direction. The woolen thread as the great national medion house falls and is very fast. When the Marken integration takes place, there will be plans that have never been created on such a larger scale. This product also received “Stern”, “Geo” and “Capital” content, thanks to the combination with RTL News, a larger video and audio range.

Angebot Stern+ paid content will be fun for years to come. Is there no war?

If you want a paid subscription, you can do all the expenses in the editorial office and complete the publication with the idea of ​​​​the compound subscription gain. Look at the product. A higher level of the Nutzerinnen and Nutzer from is neither Flybys active, or come across Google, social networks or other external websites. If you opt for major overhaul, you will have to regularly learn from your machine. Otherwise when it comes to selling an investment strategy that is a clear strategy, this is a very light story. I’ve done everything in editing over 40 years and in publishing over 60 years ago, so there’s a personal start of 350 people out there. A solche Größenordnung braucht man, when the man is serious.

Bis Ende 2026 woolen Sie das Ziel von 100,000 Subscribers purchase. An overview of the high investment sum of 30 million euros quickly becomes modest.

You can finance your investments with a self-determined amount of money, “Stern”, “Geo” and “Capital” that earn you in your money. Our business plans for the year after 2026 see a natural development, which is also one of the others that are orientating. If you made $100,000 a first time, there is some paid content that can be used at all. Our Ausgangspunkt lasted approximately 25,000 Abonneten von Stern+, Geo+ and Capital+.

The relaunch of Stern+ has produced some results of its own. You can use the first Halbjahr 2024 as a termin yourself. Is this a schiefgelaufen?

Die Berichte, which will bear fruit in 2023, will be so not. If we all make some simple efforts, we will only realize the final strategic separation of our investments over the years. Direction is: You will continue to develop this project, which will become clearer, with a whole new technical infrastructure that will create a comprehensive product and sales organization. Knives can only be good. We have published our Business Cases in the Time and Budget Plan, which will come to the Relaunch in Laufe 2024 and uphold our Abo-Geschäft in 2025 and 2026.

Was this a technical engineering infrastructure?

In July, a writer provided an overview of: the turnover of the check-out processes. When your Plenigo is awakened and when the time comes, it will be that the conversions to the German Kundenansprache have become. From October 28, and the new Stern app will be launched in an initial version so that it can be optimized even further. Zum Jahresende wollen with the technical Paywall by a new KI-basierte Lossing Austauschen. Our title now has its own CMS infrastructure. Before the other titles of Gruner + Jahr were found, the effective influence on the “Stern” and the other Marken was more powerful.

Zurbereitung des Relaunches has acquired its market research power. Was the war the toughest recognition?

If you want to know what the paid content market is, this is for sure. The clear answer is: No. In Germany, 40 Millionen Haushalte und Davon nur rund zwei Millionen bislang an Digitalabo a national journalistic Medienmarke. Our goal is that there is a market question, which provides woolly answers to the question of whether it is a national title.

Would you like to subscribe to this Leute ausgerechnet Stern+ subscription?

The market, which is clearly mirrored, is a positioning for the “Stern” card: There is a single market, the world after seriousness, serial information and a playful Eskapismus-zugleich served. The “Stern” is with Ratgeber-Themen aber auch einen Mehrwert im Alltag. Man has the feeling that the „Stern“ is nah drant, an emotional and thematic theme can last for a while, so that debates can possibly lead to a large part of the wort. It comes down to the fact that the great “Stern” conversations could have been controversial and heartfelt, but the atmosphere is as it is, the man himself in the end and the hand cannot be created.

(…) When Gregor Peter Schmitz discussed the positioning and the broader position in the editorial staff in an interview with Henning Kornfeld, the strategy came out of the blue. Zudem said that in the second half of the time it was like Stern-Chef ben meisten unterschätzt hat. The Schmitz Strategy for the new Stern – jetzt lesen.

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