
Gerhard Struber (Manager) – 1. FC Köln – Forum | Page 46

Gerhard Struber (Manager) – 1. FC Köln – Forum | Page 46

Zitat von Haui_FC

Zitat von Phycologne

Der Wechsel von Pauli zu Heintz war for my illogical separation elements.
Während schultz bei Rückstand eher 5 Stürmer auf dem Platz hat, haben wir bei Rückstand with struber maximum 2 aufm Platz. Make sure you work 1 1/2 with tigges and adamyan.
Enjoy another “fresh” IV bring.
If it’s a 2:1 version that shows up when McKenna’s IV is a header ball, then the guy can repack after the war no longer falls into the fall.

I write yes for 1 1/2 months, but since I am so happy with it, I have a new one, a Qual sheep

As Schultz or one of the Aldermen Vorgänger, I would always, in any case, as least my innerungen, all Zulieferer (Flankengeber) rausnahm and all zur Verfügung stehenden Mittelstürmer brought. Then a wonder man is on the side line, where the Stürmer kein Futter bekamen and I am dependent on the Fußen stands. That was always herrlich, wenn bspw. A Tigges dann auf Außen ausweicht and with their bad Flanken fear themselves in the Mitte zu suchen. ugly

Prinzipiell is working on a Drahtseilakt that ultimately no longer works, nor a Tor zu die. When you’re on the bench, there are no players to get a boost. Lediglich Obuz traue ich zu, mal door een eeninzelaktion, een 1gg1, Gefahr zu erzeugen. Aber von dem hält Struber offensichtlich little.
Finkgräfe und Kainz immer noch Nachholbedarf zu haben.
Ansonsten are our bank that has a schwach occupation.
With Carstensen, Dietz, Adamyan, Tigges, Olesen winning against nothing.

Schultz has lost a lot of money playing the bench in a game he is playing.
If the problem occurs, a new generation is no longer possible.
The impulse given is no longer possible.

Versteh mich dabei nicht vals, de Bank ist mn ebenfalls zu schwach.
If you have a play mode, it is a ‘absichern’ and a nicht verkehrt. That is not the case.
Let us know that the game is no longer winning. Egal ob der Gegner Magdeburg, Düsseldorf, Paderborn, Sandhausen(da haben wires in de 90min geschafft ein 2:0 abzugeben. Immerhin in der Verlängerung nor gettet…) oder Kalsruhe hieß.
Letztlich hat man die Fuhrungen allesamt wastes. In the League there were also 4 players who lost a lost father.
Lediglich against Elversberg (a brief representation can be made here) can make a man a punk.

If nothing else, there is so often talk of Heintz for Pauli or other things.
Gerade against Paderborn niece. Was soll denn der Sinn davon sein?
Then stop the Finkgräfe der von hinten das Spiel onbauen soll. If you don’t see Paraderolle anymore, it can’t last any longer.
If the financing is not so good, is this one of the two weeks that the Startelf packaging and the warum-hatte are one of the weeks that are so lobbed, as a variable option?

This is absolutely not possible. Dann soll is a cryptic package. With the signal sounder the sound is there, the Finkgräfe in the Startelf steht. Stattdessen is on the bench for 90 minutes.
Sowas ärgert mich.
I certainly believe that the inner hall of the teams does not go beyond the standard selection