
Car: SPD-Fraktionsvize warns about Job-Abbau at VW

Car: SPD-Fraktionsvize warns about Job-Abbau at VW

SPD Bundestagsfactionsvize Verena Hubertz has warned VW about a Job-Abbau. “If there is a failed management separation, it does not mean that the measures are no longer implemented,” says the Deutschen Presse-Agentur. «Gerade jetzt muss die Sozialpartnerschaft at VW in de Wirkung-zeigen. I think that I will become a justice of the Unternehmensführung, the Verantwortung für die Beschäftigten in dieser Ausnahmelage.»

Volkswagen will consider the involvement of the Betriebsrats in Germany, continuing work and expanding the Arbeitsplätze.

Hubertz said with a look at the Konjunkturkrise in Deutschland and the anstehenden «Industriegipfel», Kanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD). “It is a challenge to make investments in Germany and to make money by finding investments in Germany. It is only possible to get into the coalition. It can have an effective effect on the surges through new internet yellow, impulses for the watch and a little company. These electrical devices are suitable for a large signal.»

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