
The new game is different, but not fun

The new game is different, but not fun

Max Caulfield enters "Life is strange: double exposure" with new catastrophes from other sets.

Max Caulfield plays with new catastrophes in “Life is Strange: Double Exposure”.Image: Deck nine/square enix


28.10.2024, 16:5928.10.2024, 17:03

Jennifer Ullrich

The 3D adventure “Life is Strange” has become a thrilling and exciting experience in 2015, with an emotional video game like that. The protagonist Max Caulfield is able to party more than once during the journey of the journey, while the verledenheit is often repeated, if there are no negative consequences.

De Geschichte has the feeling that it puts an end to the entscheidene sparrow, and again his best friend Chloe or an entire city will die. If I understand everything, the only thing that contains the originals, now with “Life is Strange: Double Exposure” is a “real” fortress set with the main character Max – and his new best Freundin Safi.

The Entwickler-Studio Deck Nine baut damit grossen Druck auf. Can “Double Exposure” be a first step? We are happy that the game is played and loved in a Spoiler-free environment.

Keine Zeitreisen, more reality in “Life is Strange”

Max is the mittlerweile photographer at Caledon University, who interacts with several new characters. The central figure is Safi, the Tochter der Universitäts-Präsidentin. The trailer for Safis Tod is not really a spoiler, but is the first of the shocking starting points of the wendungsreichen story.

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My new game can’t last Max longer on the trip, but it’s a different story. If there are two different times, it may be that they can jump to faith and spring again. In any case, it is true that others live – aber weiterhin bedroht.

Max ‘Aufgabe is clear: If you go through it, while the friend gives his opinion, he will have his new Superkraft zurückgreift. It is a road in a world barred, in others women are free – manchmal im wahrsten of the roots. Max and Gabe learned more about what is important information about him.

Unmögliche Entscheidungen in “Life is Strange: Double Exposure”

The game principle is of course naturally available: If the player in the trifft man makes the separation, most of the further play is of the elimination. And that’s all that’s different.

Can Max play with Freundin Safi?

Can Max play with Freundin Safi?image: Deck nine/square enix

Using both options before and after the night, if you are separated, you will hang a personal moral compass. “Right” and “false” separations have fallen into the sin, and if they are repeated first, the game was exciting and herausfordernd power … auch ohne Action in classic sin.

Obwohl Max Caulfield who knows the world, is “Life is Strange: Double Exposure” and enjoy everything else.”more of the same“. A more couples that reflect Max on another place and on a knowledge of the früheren Fehlern. For new Fehlern it is not possible to take advantage – and the power is light, sich with his identification.

The new “Life is Strange”: a feminist game, aber…

The weiblich main character all power “Life is Strange” is of course not even a feminist game, but that is no longer the case. If the concept of the journey is implemented, a woman may encounter a wrong divorce. Max Caulfield is an amazing Wonder Woman woman, who has a Superkräfte hat.

In “Life is Strange: Double Exposure” there are strange characters and more people of color, who can create one of the most surprising figures in a complex whole. A great manko des Spiels ist jedoch: The zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen der Geschichte is not so very great, whoever he may be.

Romantic Verflechtungen were increasingly elaborated, the Central Freundschaft would now be stipulated, the detective work and the extraordinary Twists are still in the foreground. An opportunity wasted, it was such a hard mirror, that one is a fiercer blow in the Magengrube, is its bitter consequences. The fact is that this is an exciting experience.

Is the man who played the first “Life is Strange”?

It’s not that it’s inheritorlich, the first part you know, it’s a great experienceda Chloe’s Name more often falls and Max’s Trauma from the Vergangenheit wissermasßen that Säule ist, auf der diese Fortsetzung stht.

I found an original example of a new part, a clear application can be expanded. The great Manko is vermutlich, the game could be so fast.

The old rulers are no longer a liberating millennial with Peter Thiel. How dare you be with your child, that is what it means to be “Was ist was?!” -Buch in der Hand hatte, gewünscht haben, Mammuts or Säbelzahntiger in nature zu dare.