
After the parliamentary analysis, the world turns to Georgien

After the parliamentary analysis, the world turns to Georgien

TIFLIS. The Russian Regierung is the best written, as is a fact in the Wahlen in Georgian. “We wish we had a good relationship with you,” said Kremsprecher Dimitri Peskow at the meeting of the Russian Nachrichtenagentur TASS. This mode has become, the country can accuse all possible mistakes. “These Anguiligungen entbehren jeglicher Grundlage; “It’s okay to have a good time, that’s not enough,” said Peskow.

After the parliamentary elections in Georgian am Sonntag, the President of the countries Salome Surabischwili, the Suspect, Rußland the Urnengang still has great influence, a narrative credit-reundliche Regie of the Prime Minister Irakli Kobachidse (Georgian Traum) with struts.

Georgiens Präsidentin: “That was a Russian Special Operation”

The degree of manipulation with that Wahl is that it states: “Everything that is a problem in that country is used as a double game.” The Wähler ID cards are used, a 15 or 17 times zu wählen, so die French-born Politikerin. If I had been Sonntag in Georgien, I had been a “Russian Special Operation”.

Erhebt schwere Vorwürfe v Prime Minister Irakli Kobachidse: Georgiens Präsidentin Salome Surabischwili. Photo: photo alliance/dpa/TASS | Alexander Patrin
Erhebt schwere Vorwürfe v Prime Minister Irakli Kobachidse: Georgiens Präsidentin Salome Surabischwili. Photo: photo alliance/dpa/TASS | Alexander Patrin

Georgian Prime Minister Kobach said that he was untouched by the Vorwürfen in a first Wortmeldung. The BBC gegenüber occupation is a vereinzelte Wahlrechtsverstöße as normal. „This is the large image, that is the result“, concrete of the leaders of the „Georgischer Traum“, which are their own Angaben um a pragmatic relations in Russia bemüht – allendings in the lost Monaten with a Gesetz über „ausländische Agenten“ f ür Aufsehen make sure that the Parallels go to the Russian Innenpolitik.

OSZE spricht von gespannter Wahlatmosphäre

The OSZE, the Parlamentwahl met insgesamt 529 Beobachtern from 42 Ländern beobachtet hat, sprach derweil von een “tiefen Polarisierung” von “Druck” en von “Spannungen” am Wahltag. “Während des Wahlkampfs hatten de Wähler zwar oneine breite Palette von Bewerbern zur Auswahl, but reicht die nicht aus, um internationalen demokratischen Grundsätzen zu genügen”, the Organization stated in the first Einschätzung des Votums.

See if the manipulations are unaffected: Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobachidse. Photo: photo alliance / | Jay Kogler
See if the manipulations are unaffected: Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobachidse. Photo: photo alliance / | Jay Kogler

The Medien des Landes würden nach vor nicht sachliche messages. Before everything ends up in the country, there is a protective provision. In de manchen Distrikten seien Zweifel und der Neutralität der Wahlbehörden.

US and EU are discussing Tiflis for Mäßigung auf

De Vereinigten Staaten riefen de Regierung in Tiflis unterdessen zur Einhaltung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit auf. “International Wahlbeobachter has not come to the Wahlergebnis as a free and fair sister,” he is in a sonntag veröffentlichen Statement from Außenminister Anthony Blinken (Democrats). Washington has rejected all international norms and values ​​after a switch from a Wahlrechtsverstößen.

The EU will have access to the various Georgian parties in an initial phase of the dialogue. Movements that increase the fundamental rights of Georgian citizens and the principles of the EU will require broader rules for the EU community. (vw)