
Harris vs. Trump: This is how the presidential election works in the US

Harris vs. Trump: This is how the presidential election works in the US

Am 5. November 2024 is in USA election day. If the president is divorced, it will be the highest American country in the next legislative period with, among others: Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. Both of them are not foreign. The Trump war between 2017 and 2021 was a president – ​​of the 45th in the United States -, Harris is president of the US president in 2021 46. President Joe Biden.

In the past of the Wahl, the concrete has become even better, while it has fallen very well. Das liegt nicht jijtzt am getenden Wahlrecht. Since the Präsidentschaftswahlen are verstehen, it is a matter of the support of the US political systems.

The established parliament – ​​​​generated congress – is divided into two chambers: the representative house and the senate. The two state organs control the president in the future, with the “Checks and Balances” principles, another. On November 5, the chairman and the chairman of the 435 representative offices of the representatives of the government left on November 5 to discuss a Drittel of the Senate.

In one year’s time, 100 representatives of the Senate were elected, represented by the German Bundesrat, the Interests of the individual Federal States and stimulated the Minister, the Richter and the international proceedings ab. The US Federal State is present in the Senate – without further notice.

Different in the representative house, where the einwohnerzahl is one of the best federal states, with whom perhaps Abgeordneten are, House digested is. Representatives were elected for two years, supported by the national government and were able to meet their requirements.

Damn hat tie House a successful development of the German Bundestag. When the Member States reach a country other than the Federal Chancellor or the Bundeskanzler in the United States, in the US it is its own three institution that separates the Vergabe from the highest Amts in the Country: the Electoral College.

We recommend a more democratic process, which Wurzeln has done in 18 years. The Gremium, the only investigation that the Präsidentenamt has done, could be included in the US Verfassung as an Art Sicherung in the Wahlprozess eingebaut. It is so difficult to let Candidates go through the Direktwahl and let the Power come. The Electoral College is bestht aus 538 voters – such as Wahlmänner and Wahlfrauen generated.

When the members of the Swedish Congress Chamber are directly elected, the Präsidentschaftswahl is also indirectly influenced by the Umweg over the Electoral College. If you have chosen the Wahlzetteln in the Rule of the names of the Kandidat*innen for the Amt des Präsidenten und Vizepräsidenten, there is a good chance that you will come across the contact of the Wahlmannes or the Wahlfrau, of the other ones that the Entsprechenden Kandidat* innen unterstützt.

In Germany, the Verhältniswahlrecht is gilded, while the mandate is extended over the long-term incentives that are granted. If the Bundestagwahlen are part of the party, the few will also have other, fewer mandates, such as – if not the Fünfprozenthürde – trotzdem in the Bundestag. I think the US presidential elections were carried out in 48 of the 50 Bundesstaatswahlen.

If the Candidates are in a Bundesstaat that has the most incentives, the Electoral College can leave the Bundesstaats-Wahleute, the Candidates or these Candidates can no longer function – anyway, when the Ergebnis de Stimmenauszählung fails. Also in November in the Federal State of Texas 51 Prozent der Wahlberechtigten for the republican Candidates Donald Trump, sees for Texas the complete republican Gruppe der Wahlleute, but not a single Democrat in the Electoral College, of the 49 Prozent der Wähler representatives of the Würde.

This arrangement started with the Zwei-Parteien system. On November 5, Democrats and Republicans began moving and running candidates for Freedom and Wahl’s Greens. It is not the case that the Wahlzettel abolition is taking place in all Bundesstaat – and it is an unacceptable problem that one or more of the following incentives are a good thing, a Bundesstaat that has won. And then you would no longer have a chance in the Electoral College.

Weil de Wahluteute clear Verhältnisse procure, kennt man in de USA Koalitionsverhandlungen und komplizierte Regierungsbildungen wie in Deutschland nicht. I am Idealfall for a more stable energy and better direction of the political organ. Minorities became, therefore, critical in a solchen system with poor representation.