
70 Flusskilometer with hohem Renaturierungspotenzial

70 Flusskilometer with hohem Renaturierungspotenzial


In Salzburg haben knapp 70 Flusskilometer hohes Renaturierungspotenzial. An investigation has been conducted into the protection of WWF. This means that you will quickly pass through regular Saalach.

The Saalach can reach a distance of 22 kilometers, the distance between Saalfelden and the state borders is quite large. During the Rückbau of Uferbefestigungen, a Flusskilometer can be found here that flies freely. It brings with it more high cleanliness, living space for tidier and pflanzen that erholungsräume, heißt is von der NGO.

Renaturierung Saalach Siezenheimer Steg

ORF/Georg Hummer

Die Weithwörther Au, Natura 2000 Schutzgebiet

Erfolgreiche Renaturierung an der Salzach

Since 2021, the LIFE Project Salzachau was absolved, in the 127 Hektar Grund angekauft and bei a Flussaufweitung siben Hektar des Auwaldes were abgesenkt. While the clearance no longer improves the high washer protection, nature is able to preserve the Lebensraum schnell zurückerobert. So it is wise to use the best laubfrosches after the renaturation of the German riders.

1,000 Flusskilometers Austria

The new study in the WWF research has investigated the renaturation potential of the Austrian Flüsse. Rund 1,000 Fluss-Kilometer sind demnach sehr gut geeignet. “Frei fließende Flüsse” is the title of a new study by the technical office of the European Union for the WWF. If you have grown Prozent (approx. 1,500 Kilometers) from the bovine 12,000 Kilometers in the Austrian regions, the definition of the meat, we are able to consume more fresh Prozent (approx. 1,000 Kilometers) and has a high Renaturierungspotenzial auf.

Renaturierung Flüsse Österreich


Die Karte said that the Renaturierungspotenzial and Flüssen in Österreich

Öcologically intact Flusse speichern Wasser, federn Hochwasser ab and beugen Dürreperiods voor, so der WWF. Sehr hohes Renaturierungs-Potenzial haben 120 Flusskilometer in Burgenland, 80 in Kärnten, 305 in Lower Austria, 70 in Upper Austria, 68 in Salzburg, 278 in Steiermark, 112 in Tyrol and 41 in Vorarlberg. If the city is a sondestellung, it is the case that the relocation of the weeder restoration makes a free flight when it starts. Dennoch können Renaturierungsmaßnahmen und Flüssen auch in Städten die Folgen der Klimakrise abmildern