
Wahl in Georgien: Erneute Auszählung als tacticals Manöver?

Wahl in Georgien: Erneute Auszählung als tacticals Manöver?

SGS Coerper

After the failure of the parliamentary assembly in the Georgian government, the Wahl-Kommission the Stimmzettel telegraph has again failed. ZDF Correspondent Coerper reports from Tiflis.29.10.2024 | 1:27 min

If it is more Montagabend when they protest in front of the parliament in Tiflis, they will ertönt zum Ende der Veranstaltung – after clearly – the Europa Hymn. It is the soundtrack of the protests: the direction and the parliamentarian, the announcement is unknown.

Präsidentin Surabischwili: “Eure Stimme wurde klaut”

The manipulations of the machine can be carried out on the Runde. On the Parlamentsplatz in Georgiens Hauptstadt, one of the pro-European presidents of the country’s countries was found: “Eure Stimme wurde klaut”, shouted Salome Surabischwili in the Menschenmenge.

If you want, you can do things like this. No one has the Straight dazu.

Salome Surabischwili, chairman Georgiens

If the government has asked the question, the service will be published tomorrow, a good cause and the opposition are wrong. It’s not that it is. If one of the stories of the incentives comes to an end, the Georgian Wahlkommission will penetrate the least, it is most likely that a beobachter has more of a tactical maneuver as a real clarification.

Protest against the Wahlergebnis in Tiflis

The Wahlkommission in Georgia has lost its support after most of the parliament. Make sure the protesters protest.29.10.2024 | 0:29 min

Make sure you can no longer do anything yourself

If the opposition resists, there is no false stimulus boost. Or there are problems with a new computer computer, which solves the manipulation of the computer.

The problem is that the president and the opposition are likely to end up at the forefront of their own Wahl. If you discuss the Beeinflussung of Wählerinnen and Wählern for Wahllokalen, then the Kauf von Stimmen in Vorfeld der Abgabe is the Einschüchterung of Wählern during Gewalt.

This kind of manipulation is probably a problem. One dilemma the chairman has averted is: “Of course it cannot be like this,” he said during an interview with the Reuters polling agency. “Aber de verbindungen der Regierungspartei zu Russland still said in the zahlreichen Unterstützungsbotschaften, die ze erhalten.”

Zehntausende Georgier made the announcement before the parliament in Tiflis of the Wahl vom Wochenende desires announced in August. “The Protest was big, loud and fried,” said ZDF correspondent Armin Coerper.29.10.2024 | 2:45 min

The Regierungspartei can use a new Auszählung for its purposes

The Regierungspartei Georgischer Traum dementiart die Vorwürfe of course. With the new equipment – and a woman dropped out – the previous phase of lending may end.

The opposition in Georgiens Hauptstadt Tiflis responds to the positions of the Wahlkommission. You see that the Commission is playing a political role towards an indefinite path.

Orban zu Besuch in Tiflis

And nor any of the people who have ever done a survey to know: Viktor Orban. There is a war with the first gratitude for Georgian traumas – nor for the Wahlergebnis offiziell-obtainable wurde. Jetzt is one of the first high-profile politicians in Australia to know the Wahl nach Tiflis journey. Empty people were there at the Flughafen vom georgische Außenminister – später alldings auch von pfeifen Protesters vor seinem Hotel.
ZDF correspondent Ulf Röller live from Brussels

Orban nutze Ratspräsidentschaft seines Landes one of the EU will suffer maximum damage, so ZDF correspondent Ulf Röller über dessen omstrittenen Besuch nach der Wahl in Georgien.28.10.2024 | 7:04 min

When it comes to and the aim of the new Auszählung in a different way, then Orban is a fact. So a trip can take place as a mission for democracy and criticism of the European Union.

Auszählung läuft bereits

Seit 11 Uhr Ortszeit läuft die Auszählung in de Wahllokalen außerhalb von Tiflis. In the Hauptstadt the start started at 5 p.m. Ergebnisse became erwartet for the Abend. That Wahl in Georgien is no longer interesting.

Felix Klauser reported as a ZDF correspondent about Russia, the Caucasus and Zentralasien.

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