
South Tyrol Bauernjugend is also guilty – South Tyrol News

South Tyrol Bauernjugend is also guilty – South Tyrol News

From: mk

Bozen/Vöran – A video of the Bauernjugend Vöran, in de een Schauprozess with verschiedenen Criminal Offenders Dargestellt Wird, take care of the time for Aufsehen in the social media. The video would become reality if there is a version of Merksam on the machine. After using the video, you need to track the distance. The South Tyrolean Bauernjugend, the Ortsgruppe Vöran and all other Ortsgruppen speak out about sexual abuse and excessive alcohol consumption, heißt es in one of the Aussendung.

It became so dangerous in social media when the South Tyrolean Bauernjugend, in addition to the Ortsgruppe Vöran, were sexually harassed. This is not the case with the Ortsgruppe Vöran gewesen.

“We will suffer a sexual punishment that will not be tolerated or punished by us,” explains Verena Reiterer of the youth youth who are in the video. “We are interested in using our own produced videos, which serve as a tool for our ball”, please read more.

„We will use the video in the past since we have been there, we will have the opportunity to report back in the social media and perhaps even conversations in our minds. Accusations can be unintentional. So it wasn’t that I had more passion!”, concretely Markus Alber, Ortsobmann der Bauernjugend Vöran, nor einmal ausdrücklich.

The Landesleiterin der Südtiroler Bauernjugend, Anna Knottner, says the Ortsgruppe Vöran in Schutz: „I know that Group and although it is safe, that is not so common! Occasionally a problem had occurred, but it turned out that this was not the case.”

The South Tyrolean Bauernjugend Ortsgruppe Vöran zeit Einsicht en would entsprechende Maßnahmen ergreifen. Conclusion: The Ortsausschuss that has been prepared during the assembly has begun, that is wise Thema zammen with the Children’s and Youth Wältin Daniela Höller zu reflect and aufzuarbeiten. If the Ortsgruppe continues with the theme of prevention and sexualization of an external debt, it may occur in the Ganges. Abschließend mage sich der Ortsausschuss auch recognized, indem a Teil der alljährlichen Spendet an eine Organization, die sich für Schutz bei Gewaltsituationen einsetzt, spent.

“In the South Tyrolean region, there was no more time in the last year and there were still more young people left,” he said. We will be more than happy to help you with the efforts of young people who are part of the Bauernjugend and many other organizations that are more likely to undertake and transform the communities that provide a meeting place for young people in Dorf.

“Solche discussions are intended for young people, enterprising and will often be negative about their motivation. If you have experienced some of the learning processes, you can learn all the learning processes and no longer be sensitive to the sensitivity, the Bauernjugend comes to an end.

You have criticized the video of the landsbeirat für Chancengleichheit and the landtagsabgeordneten der grünen, Brigitte Foppa, geben. While the Committee for Gambling of the Anwaltskammer Bozen betrays the video, the advantages and sensitivity of the possibilities are increased. Mittlerweile wurde der Clip uit de social networking activities.