
US-Wahl I Biden-Äußerung sortt für Empörung – Weißes Haus Rudert Zurück

US-Wahl I Biden-Äußerung sortt für Empörung – Weißes Haus Rudert Zurück

US President Biden has made an attempt to support the Trumps before the elections. The White House reports with a stellungnahme.

US President Joe Biden has given a speech about expanding the Republican presidency consultation to include mutual control. In a free-form video, Biden shows the Wähler of Donald Trump as “Müll” bezeichnet zu ben, was sharply critical of the conservative community and the White House made a clear statement.

In the video, which an online version of the organization’s Voto Latino organization released, Biden said: “Der een Müll, de ich da draußen sehe, sind seine (Trumps) Anhänger… seine Dämonisierung von Latinos ist nicht hinnehmbar und unamericanisch.” The background information was comments from Tony Hinchcliffe at a Trump statement at Madison Square Garden that week. Hinchcliffe visited Puerto Rico with his visit as a “swimming Müllinsel”.

The White House is open to the public, you can see it. I hope that I will hear the “harsh rhetoric” at the Trump-Veranstaltung and no longer have the Trump-Anhänger as a Group. White Houses writer Andrew Bates sent a message by email to the American magazine “Newsweek” that Biden “has solved those problems in Madison Square Garden when Müll” has appeared.

While Biden himself responds to the criticism and writing on Platform X, the focus is entirely on the bad rhetoric that Puerto Rico has received. “That is the only thing, that is the end result”, so Biden.

Donald Trumps Sohn, Trump Jr. has warned the Wahlkampf team about Biden, that all Trump supporters as “Müll” verunglimmpfe and verbreiteten diese Darstellung auf X. Other conservative commentators, who Collin Rugg, nutzten the Biden-Ausrutscher. Rugg owes to the Presidents, “die Half des Landes” as Müll zu bezeichnen. Other prominent Trump supporters verglichen Biden’s Worte with Hillary Clinton’s “Basket of Deplorables” comment (zu Deutsch etwa: “Korb voler Bedauernswerter”).

The 2016 US presidential election used the Democratic candidacy. In a speech on September 9, 2016, a spending reform as “half” of Mr Trump was described as “racist, sexist, homophobic, fremdenfeindlich and Islamfeindlich”.

If you see Clinton’s tag saying “half”, concrete jedoch, Trump will have “hasservolle Ansichten en Stimmen” verstärkt. Trump’s Wahlkampf team is useless and after the Wahl, Clinton’s Wahlkampagne wants to win.

This is the most democratic policy of Kamala Harris that is inconvenient because of Biden-Schnitzer. So if you have first accepted a Wahlkampfauftritt from the service in Washington, then you will encounter the Spaltung in the American state winds.

“I’m a president for all Americans who will be a part of the country and the country itself”, how the 60s in the Menge-rufen. If you want to compromise, you can find human reason. It became a matter of time, the last thought was that I was no longer in my Wählerstimme time.