
Frankfurter Bahn-Babo zum Abschied – “36 Years of Unregular Wechseldienst desozialisieren een Menschen”

Frankfurter Bahn-Babo zum Abschied – “36 Years of Unregular Wechseldienst desozialisieren een Menschen”

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Peter Wirth, previously known as “Bahn-Babo” in the Ruhestand. Ein Frankfurter Original in Abschieds interview.

Frankfurt – The Bahn-Babo gibt de Fahrhebel aus der Hand: Peter Wirth (63), Deutschlands bekanntester Straßenbahnfahrer, geht in Rente. Before I guided a tram through Frankfurt and started working with Sonnenbrille, I made a few trips or gave a few others the climbing power, spricht is an interview with editor Dennis Pfeiffer-Goldmann about the herausforderungen of jobs – and war There was there’s a good chance it was a city problem and two fans could do more things.

Frankfurter Bahn-Babo zum Abschied – “36 Years of Unregular Wechseldienst desozialisieren een Menschen”
Der Bahnbabo Peter Wirth, who are familiar with Frankfurter ihn: Gut gelaunt en mit Sonnenbrille an seinem Arbeitsplatz in der Straßenbahn. © Enrico Sauda

Der Bahn-Babo ohne Bahn – who is functional, Herr Wirth?

My working life tends to be at the same time at the end, and the Bahn-Babo lives in the autumn in a well-earned interest. After 36 years and millions of kilometers, the cupboards have grown out of a cupboard and young years are gone. When it is no longer the case that it ends up in some kind of city, it becomes what it is like to get involved in politics, or in the aftercare blatt.

36 Jahre als Straßenbahnfahrer – who war, if you like?

We can’t live without it (laughs). My wife plans to stay longer if I do. I am with my Taxe am Zoo and my wife with the Straßenbahn during the Wendeschleife-fahren. I thought it was like this: they make their money with the links, they kurbelte links are riesigen schaltrad ihr Fahrzeug. Then I live in my place: That is my power.

Was it that the service was good?

Damals were with a city worker, he was no longer with the ÖPNV, nor with the Straßenbahn and the U-Bahn. When you are out of service and will enjoy traffic more, it will happen whatever you want and in whatever tact. Auch in der Technik is probably not good. If it works, there will never be a bishop. It’s not that the case didn’t turn out.

Bahn-Babo Peter Wirth: “The Autofahrer fahren fell gedankenloser”

Why not?

Der Verkehr has immense revenues. While it may be true that the problem is getting worse, it may be that the Fahrzeuge is a problem. If you don’t know what to do, you can have the train made into an artificial ABS. Aber die Rahmenbedingungen sind became sharper. Autofahrer fahren fell Dankloser. If the Beispiel of the Mainzer Landstraße lasts long, it is about four kilometers up to adrenaline, a man who has quite a fear, a Fahrer plötzlich out and on the Straßenbahntrasse fährt. This is an extreme psychological burden.

And the Fahrgäste?

The Zahl der Fahrgäste has made such a grim impression that it could not happen again. I am reporting the Leitstelle, that my Leute stehen lassen mustste, aber was soll die machen? The personal situation is therefore urgently necessary. Deshalb der Appell: Wer een tollen Job braucht, kommt bitte zur VGF! Bewerbt euch als Schienenbahnfahrer.

Sour person

Peter Wirth (63) is a Schienenbahnfahrer with the Stadtwerke-Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt (VGF). Large quantities and muskelbepackt (Bizepsumfang 43 to 44 Zentimeter), the Sonnenbrille and a Lächeln in the Gesicht, are a long time in the goose city and the über that does the social Netzwerke as the Bahn-Babo takes a long time. When you mark the Marken, close the door for the Fahrgäste and be and wieder a Spagat.

The young Leute started to live his life, but the image was a human traube. Wirth kam im Hospital zum Heiligen Geist zur Welt, wohnt heute nur wenige hundert Meter weiter am Mainufer with signaler Frau Heike (62), the ebenfalls Straßenbahnfahrerin ist, in a 50-Quadratmeter-Wohnung. A car is not necessary. Nach de Wehrdienst als Obergefreiter at the Panzerartillerie of the Bundeswehr (samt Ehrenmedaille) is an electrical installation and arbitration in the Beruf, which started in 1985 with a car with a taxi service. 1988 heuerte is both the Stadtwerken and, supported by U-Bahnen, später nur nor Trams. 2023 Trat Wirth at the Oberbürgermeisterwahl and an erzielte with 5.1 Prozent a Achtungserfolg – ​​​​with now 420 Euro Wahlkampfbudget. If you want to do a service, the Bahn-Babo will make a long journey on long beach spaziergängen on the Lieblingsinsel Fuerteventura.

Was das Tolle a dem Beruf?

You must bring the product of the VGF and the human. The Fahrgast, the morning in the seine Bahn steept, the sieht close, the kennt close. There are not a single Geschäftsführer or anyone else. You are from the Aushangschild. There are only people who think about thinking.

Von welcher Seite fehlt die?

This Wertschätzung cannot be sent to the Fahrgäste. De Wertschätzung muss der Betrieb seinen Mitarbeitern gegenüber erbringen. A person is no longer resilient in the 60th century, while the stress stabilizes to such an extent that this service is performed. You started with the small school that was closed down in 23 years because there was a problem. When chefs are working at the time of their lives, it’s worth making money. Nein, the work must adapt itself to the people, not reversed.

Peter Wirth sees the workings of the factory worker and the mangle under the Betriebe’s attention

Who responds to the VGF on the only Anforderungen?

That’s true. I think it is a new Geschäftsführerin Kerstin Jerchel who takes the trouble to meet Hase in Pfeffer. If you do this, it will be a longer process. Wir müssen verstehen: The young person, the heute at an fangen, is no longer so devoted to who the threads were. If the Arbeitsbedingungen do not fit, they move on. There is a labor market, the fluctuation is high. The Soul of the Unternehmens must say, the young Leute will stop, and the young Leute will say: Hey, that is a toller Betrieb, here it was realised, and here it could continue and become alt.

Isn’t the politics of politics important?

If the ÖPNV in the city gets the Bedeutung, it will be worth it, and more priority will be given to the set priority. If the autofahrer sees a Straßenbahn in the city and on the horizon, this is a hint at her Fahren world. If this priority is given – this is the signal transmission or the large transmission -, it became a little more likely with the OPNV fahren, and the stehenden Autos-vorbei.

Wo clap das bisher besonders schlecht?

We have put several couples on the priority scale, while they have been impressed by a month, but they are much more functional. In the Hanauer Landstraße between the Sonnemannstraße and Zobelstraße, I must pass by the line 11 on the crossroads and stop, all 50 to 70 metres, before passing through the Querverkehr. This is not the case. There are many solcher Punkte, zum Beispiel in the Friedberger Landstraße and the Rat-Beil-Straße, in the Wasserpark and in the Friedberger Warte.

It is a matter of right to simply listen.

Of course, if there is the political will. Also Leute, nächstes Mal: ​​​​Wählt mich!

Bahn-Babo Peter Wirth and Frankfurter Stadtpolitik

Tritt Peter Wirth is the next news about the next Oberbürgermeisterwahl erneut?

It’s certainly interesting. Aber myine Frau then always said: You might be my niece den Biden! (laughs). I contacted Mike Josef and it was probably found. I will now start working in the Ehrenamt. I became and I will not make any money in my interest. I think that the company has a connection with the general fringe groups with such credit or payment obligations for business operations and facilities. For the only person it could be a big defizit.

Who lies Ihnen das, am I also Herzen?

If Elend is on the Straßen and often goes to the Euro with the Meiner Bahn and another trip, it is not so small. If you are in the stop test, how you Schirme zum Schutz notice one or more things and are now in the plastic wrap, with the packing tape. Das is a person with black Hautfarbe, there is a disinterested feeling in front of the mirror and a perfect German language. Power is a sad event. It is not Leben, it is an entrepreneurial company that has been founded. The sparrows will spend more time.

Im Verein “Mainlichtblick” engagieren Sie sich bereits, will that be more intensive?

Ich mache da sehr fell on a hereditary desire to have children, which is not based on the sun of life. It became more of a challenge. If you register, you can then receive an excerpt from the Wünsche der Bahn-Babo schon erüllt hat in the Geschäftsstelle im Collosseo in Sachsenhausen. It’s all there is.

The cable car is a conscious choice for the Tätigkeit. Who will last 36 years?

A Lifehack from the Bahn-Babo: Life is a manchmal ein Spagat, it is light, it is heart, but it is an idea of ​​the Baum in the wind, not a Lebenssturm that seduces you. That’s my motto. I train jeden Tag quickly. Ich mache das zu Hause. If other people have a Wohnzimmergarnitur in the Ein-Zimmer-Wohnung, then it is worth seeing the Hantelbank and the Zugturm, and it is the best rum in Eisen. That’s my life.

Bahn-Babo: So com Frankfurter Straßenbahnfahrer Peter Wirth zu seinem Künstlernamen

How does the name Bahn-Babo even appear?

It was my mind’s eye that was years young, it was an unflattering story on line 17 in Rebstockbad. I think that the Innenspiegel is in the Worten of the Frankfurter Sprachmilieus of the Youth as: “Der Hurensohn beobachtet us.” The Bahn-Babo Brücken has started, the Jugendlichen and der Endstelle are a small sports club that is herausgefordert. That was the time, when “Haftbefehl” signals Hit “Erase Chabos, wer der Babo ist” hatte. When the vermeintliche strong Jugendliche starts against us, one of the following things says: „Change, you are fully massive. You are Klotz, you are Bahn-Babo.”

Isn’t the Jugend etwa so smart, who wants to do it?

If someone is white, anyone with the young Leuten hat, then no. You can get more information and make the right interpretations. Dann has acquired a small schwierigkeiten. Aber, clearly: Other people, who do not move and do not fall out in that environment, have power over the teilweise fear. It is verstehe ich. It is a naturally strong young Leute, who is in the city, but it is not the crowd. If something is notified, you may do other things.

Bahn-Babo Peter Wirth completes himself with a poem

Was the power of the Bahn-Babo from November ohne Bahn?

Chilling, grilling, killing Kiste. (laughs) Resozialize! Who takes it into account. 36 years of irregular Wechseldienst desozialisieren a person, completely clear. You still have to do it, it’s not like that. Are you coming to grilling soon? Yes, in funf Wochen. Dann sagen dies: Waaas? We will grill tomorrow, not in fun weeks. Die Freunde no longer works, then even more so. Vereinstätigkeit: If you are not in training for four weeks, do not line up the coach for a game. Deshalb muss ich mir nun wieder a Freundeskreis aufbauen.

Was it true that the job continued to flow, while that Job was zu wählen?

The security, the protection against damage to the city works, the war will end. And then it is my wife who works with her, the service of either of them would last longer, while they could be free together. Dadurch had a very regular life most of the time with my wife.

How is it possible that the Bahn-Babo has a problem with the Aushilfe and a Sollwertgeber session?

No, definitely not.

An abstract poem?

Yes, while we have more Liebe in the Gesellschaft: The Liebe is the most robust Kraft. The light is light in the darkest night. Nehmen will have the light and light in our lives, then this world can be a good thing for all of us.