
Healthy health during climate walking beeinträchtigt | Wissenschaft

Healthy health during climate walking beeinträchtigt | Wissenschaft

The climbing walk is becoming more and more attractive as human health increases. That Zahl is lost at higher temperatures Schlafstunden zum Beispiel stieg vom Zeitraum 1986 to 2005 to zum Zeitraum 2019 to 2023 a fun Prozent, who reported a Research team in Fachmagazin «The Lancet». Schlafmangel can continue the treatment of health and health problems, reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Since then, the report has been completed in the Middle Ages 2022 in 124 untersuchten Ländern and 151 million people were affected more than half of the population in the period from 1981 to 2010.

Wetterextreme harm to people

Quickly half of the global landfläche (48 Prozent) will last an extreme month for a year. It is a completely new trend since 1950 that will be implemented during 2020. Extreme rainfall and turbulence are caused by excessive infections, infectious diseases and wash servers, it is a matter of ‘Lancet Countdown on Health’ and ‘Lancet Countdown on Health’ Climate Change».

Dürren und Hitzewellen führen zu greater Ernährungsunsicherheit. (Archivbild) - © Darko Vojinovic/AP/dpa

Dürren und Hitzewellen führen zu greater Ernährungsunsicherheit. (Archivbild) – © Darko Vojinovic/AP/dpa

Another time the clima walk started is the risk of infectious diseases such as denguefieber, malaria, West Nil-Fieber and vibrion infections. While the temperature is higher, the longer the temperature becomes unaffected.

Bemühungen reichen bei small item nicht

Starkregen und Wirbelstürme verursachen Überschwemmungen, Infektionskrankheiten und Wasserverschmutzung. (Archivbild) - © KM Chaudary/AP/dpa

Starkregen und Wirbelstürme verursachen Überschwemmungen, Infektionskrankheiten und Wasserverschmutzung. (Archivbild) – © KM Chaudary/AP/dpa

This is more than 120 experts and experts from Marina Romanello’s team at the Institute for Global Health at University College London, which is number 29 for the report. Weltlimakonferenz (COP29) in November in Baku (Aserbaidschan) has done a study and climate study.

“No report has been published on the temperature of the temperature at a level of 1.5 degrees, beyond that,” the Gruppe wrote. “Small Mensch and small Volkswirtschaft on those planets are immune to the healthy development of climate hikers,” Romanello warned.

Follow the instructions for the Wirtschaft

The cuts in the future construction of 2023 roads to a greater Hitze 512 Milliarden Arbeitstunden were not planned, was for many workers and also a revenue fall. The movement of people in the poor Länder: The forces that do not allow workers to work 7.6 percent of the gross income (BIP) aus – in reichen Ländern were es nur 0.5 percent.

The sustained economic growth due to the extreme rule of the message from 2014 to 2023 was quickly four (23 percent) at 227 billion dollars.

Let more problems arise in Germany

Der Bericht enthält auch Daten zur Situation in Deutschland. The years of stunden, in the case of a change temperament of a mittleres or higher risks for Hitzestress with a lighter challenge in free time, lasted in the Zeitraum from 2014 to 2023 quickly double as high as in the Zeitraum from 1990 to 1999.

I have experienced a long war that lasted eight years of war for a year, while the East German countries were affected even more by the war, the longer it was. Betont is the best way to save energy and optimize the nutzung fossil of the Treibhaus gas emissions and reduce the todesfällen.

Even more investments are being made in fossils

The proliferation of critical messages, which have started due to the interim investments in fossil fuels, is still a threat to the transition and climate change that poses greater risks to the human world.

If we continue to earn billions of dollars from subsidies and investments in fossil fuels, the climate will slow down. These funds should be used in new energies to undertake activities, improve human health, livelihood and living activities.

Derzeit seien that the growth of climate protection through the wringer and the financial sector is often grimly eingeschränkt, während 2023 never quickly 37 Prozent der weltweiten Energy investments in fossil Brennstoffe flossen seien. In many states, subsidies are granted for our national health care.

“Oil and gas systems – part of the regulation and the global financial system – are strengthening the Abhängigkeit der Welt of fossil Brennstoffen,” says the Mitautorin Stella Hartinger of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. The health and dedication of millions of people were set in play.