
STRONG BUY – the best 1,000% of the Millionärmacher-Tal?!

STRONG BUY – the best 1,000% of the Millionärmacher-Tal?!

Anzeige / Werbung

“Long-term indicators end in a strong trend of trends”

A number of successful companies can start with four non-interested explorations that are in that regard. Lithium Valley in Brasilien, as a trainee of the “Millionärmacher-Tal” is a fact, within this short time, realize! Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN) when the song is played, the woman may no longer appear on the map, if the berühmten platzhirsche! The Einstiegszeitpunkt can be perfect if the exploration starts now!

– Anzeige – Interessenkonflkeek und Disclaimer beachten – Advertorial/Werbung (Auftraggeber: Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN))-

From a technical point of view, it is clear “STRONG BUY”, When the time comes, there will be a Kauf der Aktie from Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN) JETZT zu erwägen! One of the 0.15 CAD expansion modes, which no longer shifts the action dynamically and with a security-bordering Wahrscheinlichkeit a huge rally opens!


Current: Spark Energy begins exploration in Arapaima

Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN), an exploration mission carried out on the battery metals in the Brazilian Lithium Valley industry, is a Fortschritt update with veröffentlichen that tests the aggressive “Boots on the Ground” exploration of Flussedimenten und Schwermineral-Pfannenkonzentraten ahme von spodumenreichen Pegmatiten (SRPs) in seinem äußerst aussichtsreichen 64.359 Hektar großen Liegenschaftsportfolio vorantreibt.

Due to the immense value that could be achieved in the 2016 and 2023 Government Reports, no more concrete can be made. If you haven’t pinned a hundred dollars in CAD dollars yet, you won’t be able to follow that positioning phase of the exploration anymore, but then from 12 to 18 months before you win the inheritance order, you will die. The only way a certain area is determined is that our field exploration is as comfortable and fast as possible and the best inner area that is so cumbersome and aussichtsreichen Landposition nutzen was a whole chance of a day off. If you are regularly looking for information about the voyage of discovery, please let us know. – Jon Hill, VP Exploration, Country Manager & Director von Spark

Exploration of Priority 1 at Arapaima Lithium Project:

The Soul Area of ​​the Priority 1 is one of the strangest lithium expansion plans, which have been rotting in the Regierungsbericht van de Prospektivität of 2016 and 2023 since. This area has an anomalous sedimentary fluid formation and spodumen crystals. Spark’s Internal Geological Team has further refined this Soul by erneute Verarbeitung öffentlicher geophysikalischer Data, multispectral interpretation and fernerkundungsanalyse.


The map shows in detail, who many Explorationsziele in the Priorität-1-Zone schon ermittelt were, the schlussdlich dazu geführt haben, the state geologists of the Schluss kamen, that is simply dort, including Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN) if you’re out exploring, the Lithium Valleys Hot-Spot is one of the best.

The first bohrungen can be a man with a spannung. Looking at the Lithium-Valley-Style content (1% to 5% LiO level higher than a higher gauge), one of the select houses may be found making the market interesting for Spark Energy Minerals Inc .* (WKN : A3EQSN) if the next 1,000 % consists of the region identifier!

That’s the chance! – Ob Sie diese nutzen, liegt beim Ihnen!

Meinung Editorial

Spark Energy Minerals Inc.*

ISIN: CA84652L2075 // WKN: A3EQSN //CSE: SPRK // Courage: 128770154


I was informed of the action by Sigma Lithium (TSXV/Nasdaq:SGML) in August 2020, the mine is now Kilometer vom Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN) The project area is not less than 0.13 CAD (split). Then everything went smoothly: In less than three years the price at a high of over 57 CAD, – 4,428% Performance -, of EUR 1,000 became EUR 44,280. Der Grund: The Grota-do-Cirilo-Lagerstätte from Sigma is a real monster: 45 million tons with an expensive lithium content of 1.38%!

Aber Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN) can be the “bessere Sigma”, when the geological Voraussetzungen as massstab zum Vergleich are analyzed. One of the geologists who have been in the state surveys, the highest Lithium-wahrscheinlichkeit is in Lithium Valley, where Spark’s project has just started, also NOT Dort, where the Sigma-Mine is destroyed!

So if someone comes into the market, they may appreciate the lithium investment side of the lithium investment side, and that’s the most important thing, 95% of interested investors will never come into the market again!

The card says the direct project-Größenvergleich zwischen Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN) and the Key-Playern in Brazil’s Lithium Valley, who

  • Latin Resources (ASX:LRS) – active information on Pilbara Minerals (ASX:PLS)
  • Sigma Lithium (TSXV:SGML),
  • Lithium Ionic (TSXV:LTH)
  • Atlas Lithium (NASDAQ:ATLX),

All activities in the trading could make a big profit and be worth more than a million dollars. On über 64,000 Hektar (640 km²!!!) with Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN) now that Hand, – and nor fell more weighty -, the Area is coherent and not zerklüftet who at the “Milliarden-Nachbarn”!

All you need is the Aktie von Spark Energy Minerals Inc.* (WKN: A3EQSN), the one with a value of 14 million. CAD offers absolute security for new investors!

Meinung Editorial

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bullVestor Medien GmbH
Gutenhofen 4
4300 St. Valentin Austria
Tel: +43 7435 54077-0
Company book number: FN275279y
Geschäftsführer and 100% self-esteem and responsible for what we do: Helmut Pollinger
Target position: St. Pölten

– Werbung-

Helmut Pollinger

Enthalteen Werte: CA84652L2075

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