
New study: Krebssterblichkeitsrate ist in Luxembourg rückläufig

New study: Krebssterblichkeitsrate ist in Luxembourg rückläufig

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New studyKrebssterblichkeitsrate is rückläufig in Luxembourg

LUXEMBOURG – An active study by the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) has carried out an investigation into the creditworthiness of 2.1 percent of the years 1998 and 2021.

The Krebssterblichkeitsrate said a German decline in the last 24 years. An investigation was conducted at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH). Demnach has Dr. Allini Mafra and Dr. Claudine Backes von der Forschergruppe für Krebsepidemiologie und Prävention (EPICAN) wischen 1998 und 2021 krebsbedingte Todesfälle untersucht. The soul of the study is the Entwicklung der Sterberate für verschiedenen Krebsarten, Altersgruppen und Geschlechter to analyze and identify trends, which can be a reduction of the Sterblichkeit at Krebs beitragen.

Das Ergebnis der Studie, veröffentlicht im Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, said that the Sterberate for all Krebsarten together is a clear 2.1 Prozent sunk sei. It is one of the following ways to follow the früherkennung and the right handling. The study covers the relevance of the company’s activities, such as the preparation and the education campaign, one of the last credits in the long-term cuts is how they can be reduced.

Trotz dieses positiven Trends indicate themselves historical specific insights. In men, the Lungenkrebs demnach Nummer Eins bij krebsbedingen Todefällen, folgt von Darm- und Protestaktkrebs. The business loans are based on small individuals who have the highest costs. “It was a significant undertaking of the lung credits among women in the 59th century, was an available risk tower in the underlying alternative group,” which the authors of the study have learned.

The researchers show more than one thing, that is why they are more stable than ever before. Dr. Backes referred to the Notnauwe Keit, “new Ansätze in der Präventionen und Behandeling van de Entwickeln, een lang zijn de Krebssterblichkeit weiter zu senken”. While Dr. Mafra highlighted another policy influence in the press conference, the flawed political interventions and the general program should be addressed.

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