
Cologne is the host of the Handball World Championship 2027

Cologne is the host of the Handball World Championship 2027

Cologne is the host of the Handball World Championship 2027
Cologne is the host of the Handball World Championship 2027
copyright: Envato / Quique_Balderas

The Sportwelt focuses on the Blick wieder nach Colognedenn im January 2027 Wird de Rheinmetropole erneut zum zentralen Austragungsort der Handball World Meisterschaft. The Deutsche Handballbund (DHB) can count on the Köln Gastgeber van 30. IHF Men’s World Championship signal was. My combination from the second top and the final round was an international handball festival in Cologne in January 2027. Special people die LANXESS arenaAs one of the most important shows in the sport of handball, it organizes an unparalleled event for fans from all over the world.

Der Auftakt und de gameplan van Handball-WM 2027

The Handbal-Weltmeisterschaft 2027 starts on January 13 or 14, 2027 in the first kürzliche and modern Australian Spielstätten: the SAP Garden in Munich, the Porsche-Arena in Stuttgart, the Wunderino Arena in Kiel and the GETEC-Arena in Magdeburg. In that Arena, jewels can form two Vorrundengruppen with four teams in the main round. The final game plan would no longer be competing with the International Handball Federation (IHF).

In the main run you see that the best teams are the Vorrundengruppe. This phase will take place in the LANXESS arena in Cologne, in the ZAG arena in Hannover in Formulier van zwei Gruppen met jewelen, als Teams ausgetragen. Anschließend findet in Cologne the Four- and Half-final statt, in any case the separate Platzierungs- and Medaillenspiele. On January 31, 2027 – a busy year after the legendary “Wintermärchen” and the WM-Sieg of the German Mannschaft – the new Weltmeister waterfall in Cologne was crowned.

The German Nationalmannschaft started with Turnier in Munich and can be seen there again, now that the qualifying of the Hauptrunde is taking place, after Cologne. Dort will wish the team of Bundestrainer Alfred Gislason, the fans and himself a long and successful career.

A Handball Festival for Cologne and the World

Henriette Reker, Oberbürgermeisterin von Köln, cook in the Stellenwert der Stadt in international handball. “Köln has created an international Ruf as a Handball-Hauptstadt and is now busy with the Austragungsort der Handball-Weltmeisterschaft in 2007 and 2019. Since the Europameisterschaft in January has been said for years, who is passionate about handball in our city,” Reker explains. In the LANXESS arena, the sports players are interested in a sporting life, the world of their atmosphere is geschätzt. Reker delivers an “unparalleled handball festival with spectacular sports, great emotions and many international relationships.”

The LANXESS arena as Herzstück der Weltmeisterschaft

The LANXESS arena in Deutz will become a large Multifunction Arena Deutschlands and is intended for the Zentrum des Turniers as a symbol of the sports transformation. The Arena can accommodate 20,000 prizes and war winnings at the Handball Europe Master in January those 17 years. Play restlos auskauft. This end-to-end Beispiel für de Begeisterung der Kölner en ihrer internationalen Gäste unterstreicht de Bedeutung Kölns als Veranstaltungsort. The LANXESS arena is the best handball player in the world and experience the Tausende von Fans, the final and main rounds may last longer.

Einzigartige Role als Spiel- und Finalort in Nordrhein-Westfalen

Cologne is the only location in North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Spiele der Weltmeisterschaft is being expanded. If the role of the city is about the sport, the handball WM is a major challenge for youth and knitting sports in the region. Solche high karätigen Veranstaltungen delayen zur Entwicklunglung und Begeisterung voor de Handballsport bij. Before all the young talents and knitting sports initiatives made a profit, the WM became a fact.

An opportunity for the region and the sport of handball

The 30th IHF Men’s World Championship 2027 in Cologne is more of a sporting event. If you are a Bühne in the region, you have an international image and a great sports infrastructure in the Fokus, the handball clubs and the knitting sport. The establishment of the sport of handball in Cologne in January 2027 will take place in the New Year and the city is a festive truce of the handball world. Fans and players want to see a spectacle from Turnier in one of the unique arts that further strengthens the Ruf Kölns as the “Olymp of handball sports”.