
Stiftungsgeschäftsführerin Barbara Robert has been absolutized

Stiftungsgeschäftsführerin Barbara Robert has been absolutized

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Stiftungsgeschäftsführerin Barbara Robert has been absolutized
Barbara Robert in her office at the Hospital of the Holy Spirit – of the Schreibtisch, and she has done some research, found a job and the hospital has performed, she is now in a new lifestyle as she still has more experiences. © Sascha Hoffmann

Stiftungsgeschäftsführerin Barbara Robert has been absolutized. 31 years have passed since I was in the Hospital of the Holy Spirit.

Der Raum is still there, just like Barbara Robert in her Büro schweifen lässt. Since 31 years we have been in the Hospital of the Holy Spirit, but now it is 30 October, the last day of the hospital. This would be unacceptable in a Feierstunde im St. Elisabeth Seniorenstift. „Den Schreibtisch nehme ich mit“, says that it is tasty and delicious. It is quickly a matter of spreading the word. Der Schreibtisch, if there is a separation between the budgets, the budget treaty and the large amount of schmiedete, is a still greater amount of energy as Stiftungsgeschäftsführerin – and a Stück Erinnerung, that is not a loss-making power.

Gern remembers the last 65 years of his first years as a management director in the hospital. “On October 1, 1993, a glass started with a glass, and then he said: ‘Legen Sie mal los’.” This is how a Karriere, who was never in the hospital again, started this way himself after a short treatment.

After his studies, Robert held a position in the research and control function of a Kasseler mental hospital and we can call on a company from the Betriebskrankenkassen, which has his expertise in the field of budget processing. There are several ways in which the current situation occurs, while the overall development of the company is carried out – a high quality, which comes to a great surprise in Fritzlar after all. Schnell enjoys doing private lessons in the kitchen. “Is there a lie in the first glance – who is here in the hospital,” said.

Überzeugung: Auch landliches Krankenhaus can be an excellent Mediterranean fresh food

The readmissions when they ended up in hospital were disappointing. “We always have to take care of our daily lives, so small patients are less likely to live,” she remembers. If you want to see the war even more clearly: a rural Krankenhaus can have excellent medical care quality. “If you have been machining here in Fritzlar, it is very special and you can weld yourself,” said Stolz.

There is a new perspective on his work with Robert, who himself sees a patient in the hospital war. “Man sees the sick house with all the others, wenn man im Bett liesgt”, says he and lies the occasion not ungenutzt: “It is not enjoyable to eat this Marmalade zum Frühstück – it is a delicious meal not.” Also spoke with the kitchen chef. “I said: “Cost-consciousness in all Ehren, even if only Marmalade is available, which will fit in well with your budget!” “Sagt, getan. For Barbara Robert it was always clear: “Auch die kleineen Dinge zählen.”

Robert Führte Hospital with heart näckigkeit during Reformen and Krisen

With the heart-warming care, with the fact that it is a solution Details kümmerte, führte si das Hospital by Reformen, Krisen and political reforms. It is likely that you can no longer make use of your property and soul interests, but that you want to earn your own money with your career description. „I have a high quality of research and research, while I feel that I can do that.“ Perfectionism, scoring and a great experience for their self-reliance. “Manchmal hatte ich fellleicht ein bisschen zu fell davon,” said Robert Hinzu.

It was a modest success, like your “Fußstapfen”. „The other way around“, you are also required to have an Augenzwinkern on the Schuhgröße 37. Insgeheim aber weiß siecher, welch Tife Spuren sie interlässt – nicht nur in der Geschichte des Hospitals, sonondern auch in den Herzen der Menschen, die sie hier begleite hat. You may no longer be able to make a loss. “I have not yet had enough time to consider the new roads that lie ahead.” Travel, Art, Spontaneous Ausflüge – Gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann will not be aware of that, was bislang often zu kurz kam.

However, if you do another study on the other hospital period, it may be a different problem. The fact is that the mountain walk does not matter – not as Möbelstück, but as still a moment of excitement and reawakening, commitment and renewal. (Sascha Hoffmann)