
Drying – Whoever Frankfurt has a control over Cannabis-Abgabe testing will – Panorama

Drying – Whoever Frankfurt has a control over Cannabis-Abgabe testing will – Panorama

Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – Sieben Monate nach der Teillelegalisierung von Cannabis will die Stadt Frankfurt de Verkauf der Drogen über Fachgeschäfte test. If you have done an investigation into the road, there is a control investigation into clearing cannabis abroad. Was it Sinn en Zweck der Erhebung? Is there an exciting project in Hesse? What was the equity of the old cannabis industry? The most important excerpts and answers:

Who is the legalization of cannabis, who can buy hashish, marijuana and co?

It’s time to wait until April 1st with legal descriptions. The fact is that the builder has enjoyed his twenty-three years of private housing, but he can use 50 grams of cannabis. Seit 1. July has not made a new purchase “Anbauvereinigungen” with its 500 Mitgliedern at the Start gehen, but it is important to have a new experience.

If you practice a legal legal profession, a cannabis that comes, the city is one of the regular products that the city makes über. Since the Schwarzmarkt was once sold, the sale of cannabis became increasingly popular.

Was the idea behind the study and did it want to disappear?

The model project for regulars of Cannabis and Erwachsene is a component of the Frankfurter Koalitionsvertrags. “Wir gehen damit een wichtigen Schritt. The regular Abgabe von Cannabis hat in viererlei Hinsicht großes Potenzial“, said Sozial- und Gesundheitsdezernentin Elke Voitl (Grüne). So when it comes to verbraucherinnen and verbrauchers, the judicial burden and the illegal drug trade are reduced.

“Wir erhoffen uns meer Schadensminderung für Cannabiskonsumierende und eine bessere Integration von Personen met rikskonsum in das Hilfesystem”, ergänzt der Leiter des Frankfurter Drogenreferats, Artur Schroers. The installation of a product made as easy as possible can increase the cost of maintenance, this is the case. Derzeit has started with a start in Halbjahr 2025 gechnet.

What does the study look like?

For years, registered products have been self-managed by legal cannabis flowers and other THC-containing products that can be used. Wer mitmacht, muss in Frankfurt Wohnen, volljährig en gesund sein anyway an regulmäßigen Befragungen and Untersuchungen teilnehmen. Other people living in history are not lonely. Judgment was carried out with legal notice. The Unternehmen Sanity, which is one of the most promising projects in Switzerland, is for the responsible future. Science explains the study by Drogen expert Heino Stöver from the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

Which stores are as popular and expensive as cannabis?

Aktuell has been planted in Frankfurt for four years. The price of the product is based on the Wirkstoff content (the higher the THC content, the higher the price) so that the price level is on the illegal market. Dieser lag nach Angaben der Stadt 2021 bij etwa 10 Euro pro Gramm Cannabisblüten. The profits from the model project were regularly distributed on the Schwarzmarkt market. Zusätzlich sollen eeninige Einnahmen an Projekte der Suchtprävention in Frankfurt gehen.

See the 1. April is Kiffen für Volljährige met Beschränkungen legal. (Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa)

Is it another city that has a nice project plan?

Quick start in Hannover with a project. Unterdessen will test Wiesbaden den Cannabis-Verkauf in Pharmacies. “The environment is one of a kind with private homes and social security is essential, because the Schwarzmarkt will be marginalized and the souls will be protected by children, youth and health protection,” says a long-term Wiesbadens Gesundheitsdezernentin Milena Löbcke (Linke). “Mit der Abgabe über Apotheken was so slow that the high pharmaceutical standards for the Abgabe of Cannabis grifen.”

Laut der Stadt has more than 15 pharmacies that are interested in a specific Teilnahme knowledge. Abgegeben das Cannabis aber nur an erwachsene Wiesbadener Bürger. If the project is implemented, you may register more, an anonymous information about your data.

What is the state of affairs among the Hessian Anbauvereinen?

The Monate after the Teillegalization of Cannabis and four Monate after the Freigabe of the Anbaus der Pflanzen is still no legal activity in Hesse. Landesweit werden after Angaben des Innenministeriums until the end of October 23. Request a response to a sollchen Vereins gestellt. They didn’t get bigger or bigger.

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