
“Den Krieg won wir nicht”

“Den Krieg won wir nicht”

Alarm clocks are used in the electrical and electronics industry. De derzeitige Entwicklung-gefährde die Wertschöpfung in Austria and Europe and damit den Wohlstand. Politics has had the handlongspielraum through the Bürokratie and the course of the first transformation of the green transformation, now through Zölle China could change, if the wrong path is taken. “We won’t be defeated”, so WKÖ-Fachverbandsobmann Wolfgang Hesoun. Signal Tipp: “More wisdom is always important.”

The policy of politics must ensure that the industry and the products on the market are fragmented. “You must be able to do this,” says Hesoun, the long-term Spitzenmanager at Siemens War. It is advocated for journalists who have been to Europe, but it is one of the best ways to explore the world in Europe. There are cases where trade is disrupted.

Energy policy at Pranger

An increasing power has missed the energy policy in Österreich due to the higher Teuerung-mitverantwortlich. Note the energy costs that the costs will bring, which will increase inflation – inflation will continue to increase. Everything that has to do with each other is the lawtbewerbsfähigkeit Österreichs nachhaltig.

The Fachverbandsobmann in de Wirtschaftskammer Österreich stutzte sich dabei auf een Studie van de Industriewissenschaftlichen Instituten. Deren Leiter Herwig Schneider and the dramatic Worte. “We will have a good life in the last few years with little money in our business”, with the help of this economic improvement. “Wertschöpfung is not different from living well, which means that we can enjoy our lives,” said Schneider.

Purchasing investment sanity

Although it is true, the export of Electrical and Electronics Industry will show a negative trend in 2023, in 2024 the low trend will occur. “It is now one of the politicians, the industrial policy, the problems that arise, the seriousness of the systems thinking is an active industrial police focused on the right to set,” so the industry detractor.

An investment management has emerged that is an investment-free enterprise, a financing of the financing of the enterprise in the European economy, a soulless investment financing in Europe, a financing of the costs of debt and the indebtedness of the Bürokratie. Schneider is obliged to be aware of this, as Austria will continue to live in the EU until 2023, which will result in long-term costs.

Zwei Szenarien until 2023

Schneider skizzierte heute zwei Szenarien bis zum 2030. The Good-Case-Szenario, in the a fortification of the Electrical Industry-Entwicklung of the declines for 20 years, ergebe das a Minus a Steuern and Sozialbeiträgen of 1.43 Billions. Euro, a depreciation of 4.58 billion. Euro and beef 36,100 Arbeitsplätze weniger.

In the worst-case scenario, the economy faces high energy costs, causing global regulations to shift again, while the US and China increasingly adopt their own regulatory positions. The Volkswirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen see a Verlust von Steuern und Sozialbeiträgen in Höhe von 2.63 Mrd. Euro, a Wertschöpfungsverlust of 8.44 billion. Euro and beef 66,400 Arbeitsplätze weniger if by appropriate Rahmenbedingungen were possible.

The Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie (FEEI) operates 300 units with 74,000 production units and 24.61 million production units. Euro.