
Bürgergeld-Empfänger findet Job – nach wenigen Tagen follows de Kündigung

Bürgergeld-Empfänger findet Job – nach wenigen Tagen follows de Kündigung

Bad humor from “Hartz und Herzlich” protagonist Pascal! 22 years after we lost a job at a cleaning company. A goal: don’t take the Bürgergeld-Empfänger out of the Ruhe for a long time. The Sohn von Beate has an idea that can be an Arbeit.

Bürgergeld-Empfänger wird rausgeschmissen

Nur zehn in the cleaning company is Pascal wieder worklos. “I’m going to stop skipping a bisschen blood. I see war and myrtle in the night battle. Then, as a chef, I will have written justice tomorrow and I think my kitchen in letterboxes will be over,” declares the Bürgergeld-Empfänger.

+++ „Armes Deutschland“: Kurz nach der Ausstrahlung Kracht die Nachricht die Runde +++

There hasn’t been a war yet when the war happened in the 22nd century. The inner part of the day is a great way to tip Pascal’s hat. “I have a unique motivation for the job. Aber das war auch nicht ohne“, so der Mannheimer. But the knowledge is not there to help the head in the sand.

Burgergeld company has a plan

Long night a new Stelle suchen, muss Pascal nicht. There are fewer actions involved with playing with contact lenses and deleting your data. “I have my Elvis kurzgeschlossen, the power and the Fahrdienst. I am still alive, but that is not free,” said the young Bürgergeld-Empfänger.

+++ Bürgergeld-Empfänger (23) hat over 20,000 Euro Debts – “That is the responsibility of the State” +++

Gesagt, getan. Elvis turned to the phone and said his sister was cooking with the chef. Bleibt abzuwarten, ob Pascal dann auch geeignet für die Stelle ist. If there is a product, this is all that the Bürgergeld company stands for.

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The new follower of “Hartz und Herzlich – Tag für Tag aus den Benz-Baracken” appears in the RTL2 TV program at 6:05 PM. After the message has been sent in the Media Library at RTL+.