
Muhammad Ali held on to George Foreman for 50 years

Muhammad Ali held on to George Foreman for 50 years

50 years after the legendary Boxkampf «Rumble in the Jungle»: Who was Muhammad Ali as King of Kinshasa


1974 Muhammad Ali surpassed Box-Champion George Foreman, with Skeptiker and a Milliard TV sister falling. The camp is about the great sporting honors of the fast – but not without the sporty dimensions.

If De Treffer does not look further, there is no longer a fair price. The best results are good, even though they are very good, both the air quality and comfort of the run 90 are good, but more than enough, a 99.8 kilometre, athletes of the beinen are born.

Muhammad Ali also stopped catching fish in a tank as he became heavy and his bottom became stiff. By George Foreman. A galt bis zu diesem Moment as a novice knockout artist of the planets. Before the 37th siege in some cases the professional could find himself in a schnitt benötigt a bovine.

“I very, very well,” which is what the Texas professional does. «Auf diese Weise no one will be left behind. Keine Kopfschmerzen.» When you start work tomorrow in Kinshasa, Zaire (the Democratic Republic of the Congo), it will be a foreman who is on the ground and cannot use any justice.

There is a small protest against Ecke, as the ring judge Zack Clayton in the duel with the world title in a small weight. «Muhammad Ali won in the knockout. During Knockout!», American TV commentator Jim Sheridan shouts into the microphone. The handlebars in the Stade du 20 Mai are Betreuer, Befugte and Unbefugte in den Ring.

Der Routinier introduces the scheinbar Unschlagbaren

In a box, a Nimbus can be used secondarily, it is becoming more common. If you have played a 32-year-old routine that has packed a big punch if you have played for a longer period of time, you can become a champion for years, neither for the maximum championship title, but as comfortably as Sensation is treated. When we won the heavyweight victory, the man from WM-Kampf on October 30, 1974, as «Rumble in the Jungle» in the Erinnerung blieb, was sure of the great sporting honors of the 20th. historical niece nur roads signaler sportlichen Dimension.

So the war is a November, a title camp in the premier class of Boxsports in New York or Las Vegas, which is held in Africa. Der Umstand liess manchen Sports reporter in the United States. “The Gipfel of Mount Everest was completely forgotten,” said one columnist.

Others must first have one of the Atlas relations, a branch of the harmful Republic of Zaire, e.g. “Congo-Leopoldville”, could be destroyed. Genuinely the hat of the mighty President Mobutu Sese Seko observed: Tout le monde When the young nation looks, there is a part of the world in a paradise for black citizens and white investors who travel woolen around – and that will be their own Vorteil ausbeuteten. The man in the leopard hat took the Wahlen to “Miss Europe” in Kinshasa years ago. Now that a small coup is being carried out with a Box-WM, all continents are being sold via TV.

The trotz from Niederlagen was Joe Frazier in 1971 and Ken Norton in 1973 when Muhammad Ali was no longer seen as the world’s popular boxing professional. Find the best in George Foreman’s weight class with his: There is no champion Frazier yet, but there are also others who are on the road with their schlagkraft. So there was a duel between the two Olympians – Ali won 1960 in Rome, Foreman 1968 in Mexico City triumphantly – the attractive Boxkampf jener Zeit, aber auch der teuerste.

There is a final deal with the “Don” King

If we want to make a Million Dollar Preis money, both partners will stay in the ring. This happened in 1974 in the United States. If you have been dealing with guarantees for a long time, interests have probably shifted – now that the business of a New York firm is no longer working, it is possible to do live broadcasts by satellite. Donald “Don” King, so his name, blieb dran, and zum Frühsommer hatte the einstige Halbwelt-Ganove from Ohio the signature of Ali and Foreman on a provisional report. The war may have broken out, but we will still continue the war in England and Canada – so that a gentleman from the presidential Mobutu gets the bounty with the government’s “backs” on a Schweizer-konto who is absent.

There is talk of a power deal from King with a small statue in the global box business – and Kinshasa bare on the Tummelplatz for Reporter and Edelfedern, documentary films and star photographers from all over the world. It was reported that there were more than a hundred journalists living in the international hotels in the city center lodging center in August; or in one of the apartments after the Präsidentensitz in Nsele, in the Ufern des Kongo, where the Boxer trains. If you send the tag for the sparring tag, you can write a few messages in the secret editorial.

This war is no longer a fact and is becoming bare due to routine. “Wenn Kinshasa Charme besass – wo ihn suchen?”, said the US-Romancier Norman Mailer in his gerühmten Tatsachenroman about the Box-WM “The Fight” rhetorical fragments. When Kinshasa got into trouble, the war ended four years later when the Lastwagen-verkehr and the cars from Camden or Biloxi were closed.

Muhammad Ali has found the guest’s land in a convenient location, where his bungalow in Nsele has suffered losses. The enormous dependence on the Nation of Islam began in early Zaire, when Kellner and Taxifahrer were just in existence, among pilots and ministers. If the mountain of debt has a sense of guilt, it is a matter of common sense, and before the middle occupation makes the Aufenthalt like a shiny Heimkehr of African Americans. The power in George Foreman’s story, which represents the interests of the slightly guilty, is that of the Hoffnungsträger. When you get up, you can say «Ali, bomaye!» a few times. entgegen, «Ali, tote ihn!».

The ostentatious Begeisterung would be carried out in mid-September on a passionate investigation: Weil Foreman when sparring with the rights Auge lost war, wurde der WM-Kampf vom 25. September auf 30. October rescheduled. Ali was allowed to wait that long. I am a Kreis that will become the only champion that the US misses. Daher brought a small thumping Kampf against Joe Frazier, a späteren Termin with Foreman in the Vereinigten Staaten ins Spiel. Aber Mobutu and their Clique blieben unerbittlich: The WM-Kampf must be modernized by the states here in the modernist Fussball Stadium of Kinshasa.

The car crate has a long adhesive tape and banderole in the main street, the WM-Kampf as a “Gift” and the Bevölkerung that celebrated a “Sieg for Mobutism”. If you have a good feeling, this is one of the most common terms. The label of the separation after the blieberen is the tree fern – now that it comes from the mountains, for fear of an attention or roads that resemble Ali’s Strahlkraft. It was in the first year that the stunden of October 30 was the best American Fernsehzeit, it is so great to see: as king of Kinshasa and the strategy in the ring.

After a run, Muhammad Ali changes his strategy

If both are rivals, it is true that an aluminum roof is installed, it is a separate unit. The foreman will be able to use one of the Streifen boxes, then the Gegner of the Ringmitte is intended to be as long with poisonous Schlägen of bearbeiten, as that zerstört. This hat is functional. Everyone can bring their tactical repertoire of gegenüber. Under its flexible nature you can find a decay in the house on the shipyard. So who in diesem autumn.

As soon as the first run is that the herausforderer is, this idea is the title maker that eliminates a schmetterling, but no function can exist anymore. Seine Beine würden in der schwülen Stadionluft bare müde zijn, zum Foreman ihm geschickt de Raum abschneidet. Also, you can see the other side of the trainers Angelo Dundee, the careful Haken encourages you to move around the Ring Seils, with pendulum movements that follow Wucht. The way you train in the gym is risky, it’s dangerous. Sie erlaubt Ali, phaseweise mitzuschlagen en dabei noch Luft zu haben für Provokationen. “That’s not right,” Foreman comes to hear, “I thought, you were the worst of the world.” And: «Is this all, George? Je schlägst wie een Weichei.»

A tatsächlich: Nach vier, fünf Runden lassen Wucht und Frequenz von Foremans Schlägen langam, aber sicher nach. This means that you have the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity. The Schlag is one, two, three – and the series is a series of successes, of which the resulting title is not more erholt. So if the Niederlage has 60,000 players – and the Rekordzahl of a Milliard TV-Zuschauern weltweit – zum Musterbeispiel, who can be a physical sub-army Boxer with the intelligent Match-Plan occupation.

The enttäuschte Foreman has done a service at the Kampf Allen and all the Debts in the Niederlage: the Ten-Count des Ringrichters schnellen, in their lockeren Ringseilen. Be sure to perform a simple manipulation of the washing liquid. The first year the Ali biographers spoke, Thomas Hauser said Bezwinger was “a little too sharp for me.” It’s time to stop.

Ali who had the Weltmeistertitle zurück, since 1967 as a Kriegsdienstverweigerer entzogen. There is only one thing that all Skeptiker dupiert. Anyway, if I’m in Miami for the WM-Kampf, the champion Sonny Liston could probably be there. Who Ali Stunden predicted before the first prophecy: “If George Foreman is not in the Runden battle, his Fallschirm will no longer work.”

It will be a good day after the camp will then bring the first monsoon rain with all its might to the end. More dramatic is one of the historical box battles of 20. Jahrhunderts kaum ausklingen können.

Muhammad Ali got it all right. Thank the Triumph to George Foreman, who saw the WM title in 1974, that he could wage war as a Kriegsdienstverweigerer for a year.

Muhammad Ali got it all right. Thank the Triumph to George Foreman, who saw the WM title in 1974, that he could wage war as a Kriegsdienstverweigerer for a year.

A. Abbas / Magnum

The author’s article is the story of the most recent books: «Ali vs. Foreman. 50 Jahre», Die Werkstatt/Delius Klasing 2024.