
Endspurt: Pankow decides to letzte Single

Endspurt: Pankow decides to letzte Single

13 years of how the rock band Pankow gives its own song more clarity – now it is a new single. That’s the story of the day of the Berliner. 2025 with singer André Herzberg, guitarist Jürgen Ehle, singer Stefan Dohanetz and keyboardist Andreas Dziuk on his last tour. After 44 years, Pankow then became the stage – and lost a new bond with Wurzeln in the GDR.

The song of the founded Rockgruppe, which became war in East Berlin in 1981, is biographical. “We laughed and made fun of ourselves, warn you and misbehave. In Guten Wie in Schlechten Tagen, the war is more serious. The war with the great Thing is the war of the world’s trauma. Sisters were not small,” heißt es. The text comes from André Herzberg. Er and Ehle, both 68 years old, are joining the Gründung zur Band. An album is no longer displayed.

Critical Song Text in the GDR

With the rock that orderly blasts the music of the GDR culture in the 1980s to the powers of the state, with its entire life. The band works to fight the ideology of “communist domination” and acts through the nervous man. They have made money from deliberating “Paule Panke” and rewarding their work in the Arbeiter- and Bauernstaat, and from “Langeweile” and “Aufruhr in Augen”. The song “Langeweile” did not dare to continue its time in GDR radio funk. In Song heißt es: „Dasselbe Land zu lang gesehn. Dieselbe Sprache will last a long time. Such a long gewartet, such a long gehofft. Zu long who respects other men.”

In 1998 Pankow put an end to the band acquisition. Damas thought about not continuing to buy a business, erzählte Guitarrist Ehle for his own Monaten. That is always the same Adrenaline ließ Pankow 2004 on the Bühne zurückkehren.

The Abschiedstournee starts on January 17 in Cottbus and travels through all Bundesländer in Osten Deutschlands. “Wir wollen die Trennung feiern (…) und bewusst mit Geist dabei sein beim Ende”, said Herzberg at a press conference in January about this journey.

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