
Popps Zukunftspläne: Tierpflege und Fußball-Job

Popps Zukunftspläne: Tierpflege und Fußball-Job

Tiergehege statt Fußballplatz: The former National Player Alexandra Popp looks after her career as a Fußballerin under the Plane. Popp was allowed to “beiten in the Tierpflege, weil ich wüsste, was mir die Tiere geben and es mir Spaß power with the Tieren zu work,” said the 33-year-old in the podcast “Spielmacher – Fußball von all Seiten” with Sky moderator Sebastian Hellmann.

After all, sport is always welcome. “I couldn’t say anything, I was in a position. I was in a position to be in a position, but I wouldn’t mind knowing that your weekday travels will and otherwise will,” said Popp, who is Montag in Duisburg at 1:2 gegen Australien ihr 145. en letztes Länderspiel absolviert hatte.

Get Popp started, but it hasn’t been that long. It can be difficult to say that “one year or another will be so good”, because of the active airline “definitely not working – and that is not the end of the year”.

If it is that white, VfL Wolfsburg’s attack is lurking. “I am in a few conversations and will live in winter,” he said: “Besides all of this, I cannot say anything.”