
13 Millionen Menschen ohne Job, more Junge affected

13 Millionen Menschen ohne Job, more Junge affected

The light trade in the trading markets in the European Union (EU) has become a fortress, but the research is the Arbeitslosigkeit with how long the work takes. The Zahl der Arbeitslosen is in September in the year of the abgenommen. Anyone who had the European statistical data from Eurostat last month would have had 13 million people in jobs and around 226,000 dollars in September 2023.

Arbeitslosigkeits-statistical data in detail

Gegenüber dem August heuer blieb der Anteil der Beitslosen gleich. The gilded gold with Blick on the Euroraum, also jene Länder, dies de Euro als Währung haben. Here you can win the arbitrage on September 6.3, after 6.6 percent a year later. A total of 10.9 million people were active in the labor market in the eurozone in September 2024 – an amount of 330,000 in the recent period.

In Österreich the employment rate in September was 5.6 percent. Here you are moving forward a year, after 5.3 percent a year ago. Der EU-weit höchste Anteil an Beitslosen wurde von Eurostat in Spanien (11.2 Prozent) ermittelt. The lowest rate with Tschechien mit 2.8 Prozent auf.

More young people are affected by the consequences of labor loss

The German level of business investment is the Arbeitslosigkeit among young people after 25 years. Your EU-weite rate lagged behind at 14.8 Prozent in September. In Österreich there were 10 Prozent. In Spanish it is more like jeder Vierte (26.5 Prozent) under 25-Jährige ohne Job (die Rate bezieht sich auf die Summe der Arbeitenden en derer, die eine Arbeit suchen, Anm.).