
Unfall after Halloween Party on Reeperbahn: Teenager (19) loses Fuß | Regional

Unfall after Halloween Party on Reeperbahn: Teenager (19) loses Fuß | Regional

Hamburg – There is war with friends on the way, the celebration of Halloween at the Kiez party. But the ausgelassene Stimmung ends abruptly at the Reeperbahn S-Bahn station. Be sure to make a 19-year flight on the Bahnsteig in the Stolpern and stürzte rückwärts in das Gleisbett. An unobstructed S-Bahn connection can no longer straighten and stop the teenager!

When the tragic Unfall occurred on Donnerstag tomorrow around 3.50 am, when the Gruppe attacked on the road after the war. The Fahrer is one of the Richtung Hauptbahnhof Hamburg Kommenden Zuges sah de young Mann demnach black noch, konnte aber trotz Notbremsung das Überrolen nicht verhindern. After BILD information, the man is a teenager from the trade in North Friesland.

Rettungskräfte der Feuerwehr and a notarial kümmerten sich um the Erstversorgung am Unfallort

Rettungskräfte der Feuerwehr and a notarial kümmerten sich um the Erstversorgung am Unfallort

Photo: Hamburg News

Teenager should not operate

If you are at an S-Bahn party, soft drinks that are alarming for the rettungskräfte of Feuerwehr zunächst de Zug per Hand schieben mustste, om om de Verletzten zu kommen. The connection between the routes on the railway line, where the traffic information is provided and for the transport Krankenhaus vorbereitet wurde.

In the clinic, young Mann cannot operate, due to his poor health and inner letzung. There is a visit to the intensive station and we continue in Lebensgefahr.

With the help of 200 people, the S-Bahnsteig was responsible for the emergency response of the Federal and State Police forces

With the help of 200 people, the S-Bahnsteig was responsible for the emergency response of the Federal and State Police forces

Photo: Hamburg News

Unfallopfer geriet in Stolpern

Zum Zeitpunkt des Accidents war of the Bahnsteig laut Federal Police filled with beef 200 people. There will be. A Krisen intervention team is ready to see one more person, who will put an end to the final pressure of the previous cases, waiting for the 26-year-old Triebfahrzeugführer.

Video recordings of the control rooms in the S-Bahn station lasted 19 years in the Gruppe seiner Freunde or ungeklärten Gründen ins Stolpern geriet and in the S-Bahngleise stürzte.

Insgesamt dauerten the rettungsmaßnahmen and the Unfallaufnahme at S-Bahnhof Reeperbahn beef and other Stunden. The S-Bahn line could be opened until after 5.20 am.

Polizei and Rettungskräfte rückten with a Großaufgebot am S-Bahnhof Reeperbahn and

Polizei and Rettungskräfte rückten with a Großaufgebot am S-Bahnhof Reeperbahn and

Photo: Hamburg News

Police are prepared for Halloween events

Underneath itself, the Hamburger Polizei zu Halloween in Krawalle ein en zahlreiche Einsätze ein. Because the security is safe and the Schlimmers are prevented, they will die Polizei auch auf Videoüberwachung. Besonders in the Fokus Steht der Harburger Ring. The city area became more densely populated.