
ATX has a price of 3,528.60 points

ATX has a price of 3,528.60 points

WIEN (dpa-AFX) – The Wiener Börse has a heutige Freitag with intestinal behaupteter Tendenz geschlossen. The ATX costs only 0.06 Prozent at 3,528.60 Einheiten. The ATX Prime case with a small Plus of 0.07 Prozent at 1,758.32 Einheiten. The European Union continues to trade US trade agreements with Gewinnen.

ATX has a price of 3,528.60 points

In the United States, the American government is being called into action: So what about American freedom in October, what could happen. The Quote is available at 4.1 Prozent. Indes entstanden im selben Monat deutlich weniger Jobs als erwartet. Außerhalb der Landwirtschaft now has 12,000 couples, 100,000 were there. The Löhne has increased with a Plus of 0.4 Prozent gegenüber September aber deutlicher as erwartet.

The battle in American industry started in October, which could help us. The Einkaufsmanagerindex ISM value is 0.7 out of 46.5, which is what the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) has. Analysts have a guess at 47.6 points.

You will find the following service in the Vereinigten Staaten of the Präsidentschaftswahl-statt and the Donnerstag gives the Fed of the US-Notenbank with its Leitzinsentscheidung-bekannt. Before you start cooking this is one of the most important things you can do, this is es./ger/mik/APA/ngu