
Weniger süß and salzig: Welche Lebensmittel kaal a new Rezeptur könnten

Weniger süß and salzig: Welche Lebensmittel kaal a new Rezeptur könnten

Our Fertig products come from Fett, Salz and Zucker, find Verbraucherzentralen and Ärzte. On the other hand, the Federal Minister Cem Özdemir (Grüne) Experts have done great things, a concept for the degradation that the substances entail.

Nun has access to 119 companies from the educational institutions, connections of the living industry and the Max-Rubner-Institut – the Federal Research Institute for Education and Lebensmittel – the first Ziele-vorgestellt.

Anteil von Salz, Zucker and Fett in Lebensmitteln soll gesenkt were – these products are affected

This is what you will see if you listen to the following Lebensmittel and Getränke “Lebensmittelzeitung”:

  • Zuckergesüßte Colagetränke: Here the Zuckergehalt has been reduced by 15 percent. If the experts have found a “kurzfristig umsetzbar”.
  • Fruitsäfte: A substitution of the natural ones in the safe fork bowls from Zuckers is not dangerous.
  • Erfischungsgetränke (wie der Marken Durstlöscher, Punica, Caprisonne, Fuze Tea): Here are the Experts learned, so that Getränke is easier to clean. Genauere Angaben, whoever, powers is not.
  • Kekse, Wafflen, Feine Backwaren: Laut de Wissenschaftlern ist bei diesen Produkten im Bereich Süßwaren und Feingebäck “am ehesten” een Änderung der Zusammensetzung der Inhaltsstoffe possible. Zum Beispiel can be reduced by 10 Prozent to “Mürbekeksen and Sandkuchen” from the Zuckeranteil langfristig.
  • Wurstwaren: Hier plädieren die Wissenschaftler für 10 Prozent weniger Salz.

The experts are approaching the schluss, but this is not a new date for a binding debt.

Lebensmittelwirtschaft proposes changed recipes in Frage

The Lebensmittelwirtschaft, the parts of the war in the process, will now no longer see and protect the Ergebnis. The German association company can solve a first problem and solve another problem. Who Geschäftsführer Tobias Schuhmacher called the “Lebensmittelzeitung”, sees the Verringerung of the Salzanteils as a fragment of technology, under the Kundenakzeptanz. “Was it so that the Verbraucher buys a salzarmes Brot, that is Geschmack fehlende Salz then aber durch the jeweiligen Belag compensated?”, Fragment Schuhmacher.

In the spring of 2025, the Max-Rubner-Institut received an Abschlussbericht with Vorschlägen for a changed Rezeptur-vorlegen. Diesen prüft dann das Bundesernährungsministerium.

In the debate with “Bild”, Prime Minister Özdemir told the reductionists who want to eliminate costs that “the Anteil von Zucker, Fetten und Salz are concerned about the consequences and that the people themselves will be better off.” There is concrete too, that is a voluntary self-production here.

Whoever is there, there is no problem

A force operation was carried out – the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung was in the Neue a year ago. Obgleich ihre Empfehlungen bisweilen debatabel sind, herrscht über gewisse Grundsätze clearschaftlicher Konsens. Dazu heard:

1. Essen Sieffältig

Let DGE take care of itself and ensure that we have a healthy lifestyle.

2. Integrate your portions and gemüse am Tag

Gemüse and Obst provide the human body with natural, ballast and secondary Pflanzenstoffen. If you want to order the portion Gemüse and zwei Portionen, you can take the risks for herzkreislaufen, but much more Krankheiten can be observed.

3. Wählen Sie Vollkornprodukte

Lebensmittel aus Vollkorn will last longer, last longer and the remaining ballast dust will increase the risks for a different illness.

4. Minimize your products

A maximum of 600 grams of Fleisch sollten Sie pro Woche essen, dafür aber täglich Milchprodukte zich eenhmen, in any case a second two Mal for Woche Fisch essen. So make a profit if you make the most of the positive Merkmalen of this Lebensmittel.

5. Greifen Sie auf gesundheitsfördernde Fette zurück

It is a good idea to do a few things: in the high temperature. Pflanzliche Fette wie Rapsöl enthalten aber jijätzlich auch good Nährstoffe.

6. Save at Zucker and Salz

Cooked food no longer ends up in Karies, it is one of the few things left on the farm and an unknown Kalorien. It may be that the Blutdruck looks high, we will not use the DGE as a Gramm pro Tag anymore if it is not that good.

7. Trinken Sie vorrangige Wasser

If Zucker gets in a pinch, it’s worth risking DGE for obesity and type 2 diabetes. Boiling water – the 1.5 liter spirit is just about the best form of pure washer. Alternative is one of the best options for a Tee.

8. Bereiten Sie Ihre Lebensmittel clean zu

If the Essenes’ proper power supply is affected, it’s a good thing. The DGE company, that is, it is not yarn and it is not used.

9. Essen See respectfully and consciously

If we are conscious and aware, the DGE can ensure that there is no longer a mind that searches for its results. Doing this will allow you to take a break for some time and get the gist of it.

10. Watch your weight and watch the road

30 to 60 minutes on average Bewegung pro Tag helps, healthy and suitable for your body. If the purpose of DGE is that the Alltag is active: Zum Beispiel, you reimburse one or more things or with the Fahrrad Fahren.