
Musikkarriere hilft beim Sport – Burgener: «I have little pressure, that is good for me» – Sport

Musikkarriere hilft beim Sport – Burgener: «I have little pressure, that is good for me» – Sport

The best snowboarder is on his first solo tour. For the sports career there is power over the welder.

“Sport and music were beautiful as a child with two Leidenschaften,” said Pat Burgener. I started playing the Westschweizer-scheinbar 30 years ago on the world of those two worlds, which have now existed in parallel for so long.

In March 2017, the Burgener with WM-Bronze took place in the Sierra Nevada in a major victory on the Snowboard-Bühne (2019 holte is neneut WM-Brons). A year ago, the multi-talented released his first EP revival.

Tour as inspiration

Actor played Burgener in 2018 during the Olympic Games in South Korea with rank 5 in the brilliant Halfpipe, his first own Tour. Dabei tritt is neben der Schweiz in Deutschland, Österreich, the Niederlanden and England auf.

A small connection of the Leuten has been created. It is mega inspiring, Radio SRF was created at a company for a concert in Zurich. Citizens, if a child has performed an ADHS diagnosis, it is caused by the power, because the shows are likely to have a high price.

Black is the «Doubleben» duration reinforced: Since last November war Burgener «vielleicht 5 Days zuhause», who is therezählt. «I am not at home, always on the road. Mentally, it is better than that,” he said. If you want, it’s time to start the season in a training reichen era. «Jetzt muss ich Vollgas geben.» In a month, the first qualifications for the 2026 Winter Olympics in Cortina can be achieved and will be controlled.

Music as relative

Dennoch benefits from his two Standbeinen. “Für mich ist der best Ausgleich und de best Balance.” Thanks that the weight of the weight is “not a directional pressure” in its “main job”. Gleichzeitig helps with the music you play, your sports career is relative.

Mann played guitar on the stage.

Immerse yourself in the music

Pat Burgener, here at Olympia in Paris in the House of Switzerland.

Freshfocus/Claudio Thoma

If it is so, whoever is part of the fun with the snowboard kämpft and gelit, dann fragment is so manchmal, weshalb is nach misserfolgen so fell the negative energy that was used. When the fuel is used, diesel is no longer available and a short connection with humans is made.

Deshalb lautet Burgeners Fazit nun: einfach geess. Die Heim-WM kommenden März in Engadin during Olympia 2026 is a sporting example. Danach is clear to me: “Irgendwann will be a while ago, when I can no longer snowboard.” Then you can read all about Passion.